“C’mon, we’re just hunting. Don’t be such a prick,” Baseball Jerk replied, the growl in his own tone sounding more like a whine than anything else.

The others lifted their rifles, aiming straight at him.

Not a ripple of fear showed on his face, unlike the rest of the locals. They were clearly used to hunting animals, not men. Not that Mr Sex on Legs seemed to care. “Get out of here. Now.”

“And if we don’t?” someone asked, the words coming out on a sneer, but Lacey could hear an undercurrent of trepidation beneath it all the same.

A shot rang through the air, sending Lacey’s heart jumping as it was quickly followed by another. Shocked cries tore through the branches, along with a steady stream of swearing. Lacey twisted her head to watch Baseball Jerk’s rifle fly out of his hand, landing with a soft thud a few feet away from where he stood, and an ever-widening pool of liquid staining his thighs.

Yep, whoever they thought they were, they were definitely out of their element with this guy.

Mr Gorgeous took a step forward and aimed the barrel of his weapon at the guy’s head. “If you don’t move, I’ll shoot you. And trust me when I say, no one will ever find you if you decide to stay.”

Silence descended like an executioner’s axe as no one uttered a word. Lacey’s heart pounded in her chest as she waited for someone to make the first move. Eventually, one of the hunters grabbed Baseball Jerk’s arm, helping him stumble backwards until they all turned and hurried away until they were out of sight.

As soon as they were gone, Lacey heaved a heavy sigh. Small town idiots. They were the type who bragged about what big, tough men they were when they didn’t have a pair of balls – or brain cells – between them. She was glad to see them go.

Then the sounds of snapping twigs and leaves tore whipped her attention back around.

Only to find the barrel of a rifle aimed inches from her face.