Forever. That’s how long I could stay like this. If only we had forever, instead of the three paltry hours she had left before her flight.
I wanted to tell her I’d come to her. That I’d visit her in that magical place Jace always referred to whenever he talked about his childhood, and she could show me around that frozen northern wonderland.
But I couldn’t. And the reason I couldn’t was simple: it went against everything we were trying to do.
I sighed softly, hoping she wouldn’t notice. As much as I wanted and needed Dakota, she was still strictly off-limits. There was no way she wanted all three of us, and zero chance of Jace letting such a thing happen anyway. In that respect, we were lucky to have gotten her at all.
You get what you get… and you don’t get upset.
It was my father’s stupid saying — or at the very least, he’d borrowed it from somewhere. He broke it out whenever I wanted something he wasn’t willing to give to me, which was often.
Right now however, I really didn’t want to hear any of it. Having Dakota for a little more than a week had been beautiful and intense and amazing.
But it was also the biggest tease of our lives.
Breathing deeply, I let my fingers sift slowly through her long, honey-blonde hair. As much as we told ourselves we were having fun, I knew it went well beyond that. Somewhere during the week the mask had slipped and true feelings spilled out. Both on her side as well as ours.
It was good. It was bad. It was heartbreaking…
Still, I regretted absolutely nothing.
“You guys ready?”
We shook ourselves from our half-sleep to find the others standing over the bed. Jace looked down expectantly, his keys already in hand. Merrick was gathering Dakota’s bags together.
“I’m not even close to being ready to leave this place,” Dakota sighed, eventually pushing herself to her feet. She looked at each of us in turn, then smiled wistfully and shrugged.
“But let’s go anyway.”