In two whole years of being together, there had never been a dull moment.

“Is that what you want?” asked Merrick. “To stay in tonight?”

He set down his glass, and so did Aurelius. Such movements might’ve seemed planned ahead or orchestrated, but these were men who’d grown accustomed to moving together. Both on the battlefield and off.

“Sure,” I shrugged. “No need to go anywhere, let’s order in. Let’s just—”

The rest of my words were lost as Jace’s mouth closed over mine. He began kissing me slowly, deeply, his tongue rolling delicately around mine as I spent my last breath whimpering into his hot, gorgeous mouth.

Or we could do this…I laughed inside my own head.

My hands went to his upper arms as Jace lifted me to my feet. As always his muscles felt like steel, his biceps and triceps coiling just beneath his warm, unblemished skin as he held me weightless. He made out with me in full view of the others, which was standard procedure in our relationship. It always made me hotter than hell, knowing the others were watching, awaiting their turns with me.

And of course it made themharderthan hell, too.

Eventually Jace set me down, depositing me in the center of the dock on two shaky feet. I was still reeling from all the kissing. My body was trembling too, but that had nothing to do with being cold.

“You know I’ve wanted you since we were young, all the way back in Minnesota,” he said, his eyes finding mine. “But I didn’t realize how much I needed you, until I saw you wearingthis.”

He tapped my hand, or rather, my finger. When I looked down, I was wearing one of our ‘wedding’ rings.

The diamond engagement one.

“I love this damned thing,” I smiled up at him. “You know that. It made me feel special the whole time I was your wife.”

“Oh, I know,” he agreed.

“I mean sometimes I even put it on just for nostalgia.” I held my hand out. “I mean, look at it. It’s beautiful. Symbolic. It reminds me of—”

I never finished my sentence, and that’s because Merrick took me next. I swooned as his hands found my hips. His mouth opened mine with a series of slow, smoldering kisses that had me melting into his arms.

My God…

Over and over he kissed me, until I was so woozy I could barely stand. He was holding my body against his now. The heat inside me rose, as our hearts beat as one.

“We tend to overdo everything,” he murmured softly. “Always have. So why not this?”

With that he took my hand, and spread it across his open palm. Before I knew what was happening, he used the other hand to slip a second ring on my finger.

It was another engagement ring, identical to the first one.

“A woman who can handle three men can handle three rings,” Merrick murmured softly. “Right?”

Aurelius stepped in, taking my hand from his. He slid another ring on my finger, and in that moment all three diamonds caught the budding moonlight.

“I’m pretty sure he’s right,” Aurelius smiled, and took over kissing me.

I gasped into his mouth, suddenly realizing what was happening. And then I was crying. Crying and kissing him and looking over his hard shoulder at my bejeweled finger, where three very distinct matching engagement rings clicked against one another.

“They’re all real this time,” Jace whispered softly. “I had the first one made to look exactly like the one you wore in Hawaii.”

“And we had the others made to match,” Aurelius told me, placing his forehead against mine. He kissed me again, drinking deeply from my lips. His grin was euphoric. His eyes, glassy.

“You need to marry us forreal, Dakota,” he said. “All three of us. And do you know why?”

I was crying, almost bawling. But they were tears of joy.

“Why? I sniffed.