

“Are you still with me, little sister?”

I definitely was, at least in the physical sense. Mentally though, I was still lost in the hot, wonderful world of being kissed and touched and passed around. Of being sandwiched between two or more hard, surging bodies, while greedily taking on my three hot boyfriends in any capacity they wanted.

“I’m here,” I said, reluctantly shaking last night’s images from my head. “I’m just a little jet-lagged.”

“There’s no time difference, silly,” John poked me. “New York and Maryland—”

“I know, I know. I’m just making excuses.”

I thought back to early this morning, when I rolled out of bed and showered my satiated, sex-soaked body. All three of the guys insisted on driving me to the airport, which was a little crazy considering how far it was. But it was such a sweet gesture, I couldn’t pass up on it.

They’d walked me all the way to the security line at JFK, then kissed me hotly, one by one. They did it in full view of a thousand people. They did it without even caring who saw, who watched, who stared on in astonishment…

But as hot as those kisses were, thesweetestkisses came from Jace and Courtney, right before I waved goodbye. Almost as if they knew the concept of me getting on an airplane, and going someplace far, far away.

“You ready aunt Delilah?” Luke was asking. He’d gotten so much taller in just a few months! And the way he beamed up at me was melting my heart.

“All ready kid,” I said confidently. “Let’s see what—”

As they pulled me around the corner my eyes turned upward. I was staring at a new building, an all new structure. It was much bigger than a shed. Much taller than a garage, or—

“Welcome to the guest house!” Patrice said happily, clapping her hands together. “It’s all yours, Delilah!”

The place was huge! It was two stories tall, with frontandside doors and at least a dozen cottage-like windows. The whole thing was quaint and beautiful. It even matched the house.

“So this is where I’ll sleep during my stay,” I smiled. “Huh?”

“During your stay, sure,” said Patrice. “But…”

She paused to glance back at her husband. Grinning happily, John nodded along with her.

“It’s also yourspermanently,if you’re willing to stay…”