“Yeah,” Julius agreed. “We all were. Kara died in childbirth. Three months later Roman was out over the ocean, on one of his last test runs. He was a hundred and twenty miles east of Savannah when he disappeared from radar. Transponder never triggered. His aircraft was never found.”

“Oh my God…”

“Yeah,” Liam sighed. “It happens. Only it’s not supposed to happen to your friend who wasweeksfrom retiring. Especially when he’s the sole parent of two beautiful babies.”

I was horror-stricken. Sorry I’d asked! Still, I had to know. And now I did.

“Do you understand now,” said Liam, “why this place is so important to us?”

I nodded solemnly. “You’re building it back up for Roman and Kara. It’s not just about Jace and Courtney. It’s about a legacy. A gift they wanted to give their children, but were denied.”

“No, not denied,” Julius said firmly. “Only delayed.”

Each man’s voice had grown thicker throughout the conversation, heavy with sorrow. Without thinking about it I slid my body upward, extending my arms on either side to pull them in close to me.

“Come here,” I murmured.

A big leg slid over my thighs, pinning me snugly to the bed. On the other side, a strong arm went over my body. The two men nuzzled their faces into my neck, their stubble and beards tickling my skin. As I stared up at the ceiling, I could feel their bodies relaxing against me. Their breathing changed, becoming slow and regular.

It happens.

Shit. What a terrible doctrine to adopt and live by. But then again these men were soldiers. Rangers. They knew the risks, and accepted them going in.


I couldn’t help but yawn myself, feeling the comforting weight of their limbs over mine. The breathing against my shoulders was warm and reassuring. The blankets were trapping three times the normal body heat.

Not denied,I thought to myself, my eyelids drooping.A legacydelayed.

I thought of the house, the twins, the future. The beautiful photo of their handsome parents, resting on the shelf in the living room.

Then the gates of Snoozeville flung open, and sleep took me.