They looked at each other again. Both of them shook their head slowly, as if sharing some secret knowledge.


“Well I’m afraid you’re screwed then,” said Liam. “Sorry.”

My brows came together defiantly. “How do you figure?”

“That was yourfirst kiss, Delilah,” he went on. “The initial one between you and him. You could have a hundred more kisses together, a thousand, ten-thousand, but you’ll never have anotherfirstkiss.”

I was taken aback. I really was.

“The first kiss should bemagical,” Liam continued. “It should transcend greatness. It should be the culmination of a mutual magnetic attraction, the coming together of two people in a moment of intimacy and passion.”

Holy shit. I looked over at Julius, who was smiling, with his arms crossed.

“And you said it was ‘fine’.”

I crossed my own arms. All of a sudden I was defiant.

“It was a good kiss,” I said defensively. “Maybe even agreatkiss, I don’t know. Maybe I was just downplaying it for your benefit. Or I’m not describing it correctly. Or maybe—”

“Show us, then.”