“I haven’t had a date in quite a while,” I admitted, noting that the guys still hadn’t answered my question. “And now I have two in the same week.”

“Two, huh?” said Liam.

“Mmm-hmm,” I hummed through another sip. “This one, which I’m pretty sure is a proposal of some sort, and an actual date on Saturday with some not-so-random stranger.”

Oddly enough, the guys looked a little put back by this.Was that jealousy?I could’ve sworn it was.

“Who’s the semi-stranger?” asked Julius.

“Oh, just a guy who matched my dating profile, and I his,” I said. “I know what he looks like, because I’ve seen photos. And I know what he sounds like, because I’ve talked to him.”

“But you’ve never met him,” said Duncan. “So he’s still a stranger.”


Off to my right, Liam was shaking his head. “I can’t believe someone like you needs a dating profile,” he said.

“Hey, it’s 2021,” I said, not-so defensively. “And with all the hours I’ve been working over two different jobs?” I sighed, pushing my empty glass forward and selecting another. “It’s a miracle I’m able to hook up with someone at all.”

The guys exchanged a shared glance, then shifted forward in their chairs. Our burgers still hadn’t arrived yet. I had a feeling we were getting down to business.

“Maybe we could help you with the two different jobs thing,” said Duncan. “And also the too many hours.”

I swirled the new beer in my glass. “Oh?”

“We need help at home,” said Liam. “Someone to take care of things while we’re working, traveling,” he paused for a moment, “and of course, fixing the place up.”

“So you need a secretary,” I teased.

They looked at each other again, this time more in confusion. It was obvious they thought I wasn’t getting it. Only I already knew.

“You want help with the littles ones,” I said finally, letting them off the hook. “An intermittent babysitter, like Mrs. Whitney.”

“No,” said Duncan. “Not like Mrs. Whitney at all.”

“Not intermittent,” said Julius.

“And definitely not a babysitter,” said Liam.

Now it was my turn to be confused. My answer was obvious, no matter what the details of their proposal were. As much as I loved children and adored their twins, I lived simply too far away to—

“We want you as our children’s Nanny,” said Duncan, as the others nodded. “Full-time. Live-in. All the benefits you could want.”

“Live-in?”I asked, cocking my head.


“With you. And the twins.”



I pointed vaguely in whatever direction I figured the beautiful mansion to be. They knew what I meant though.

“That’s exactly what we’re saying,” said Liam. “You’d have your own room, your own space, your own everything. You’ve seen that the house is enormous, and the kids already love you. Hell, you saved Jace’s life. We’re always going to owe you more than we could ever repay you.”

“And we’ll be paying youwell,” Duncan cut in quickly. “Enough so that you could easily quit waitressing. You could still do the transcription-from-home thing if you wanted to, and we’ll even set up an empty room you can use as your office. But you’d be making more than enough to quit that too.”