The schedule had been wonky lately, I’d give him that. It fluctuated based on our needs, and on who had to be somewhere for a certain meeting or event. So far, neither Liam or myself had been called active yet. Once that happened, it would severely limit what the other two could do in a day.

And if we were both called up at once…

“You’re feeding him peas and carrots,” I said, nodding toward Jace. “At the same time.”


“So you need to mix the vegetables in with something sweet. Bananas. Plums. Apple sauce.” I reached into the cabinet and tossed him the latter. “That’s why he’s not eating it.”

“But Courtney’s eating it,” Liam said defensively.

“That’s because Courtney’s a doll.”

Our little girl smiled at me, like she understood what I was saying. I made the face she always liked, and she giggled.

“So I’m stuck here?” said Liam. “All day?”

“Afraid so.”

He shook his head and grunted. “We need help.”

I laughed, long and loud. “You can file that one under ‘no shit Sherlock’.”

“I’m serious,” my friend reiterated. “We needhelphelp. Someone who could take care of the kids during the day, or whenever we can’t.”

“You mean like live-in help?”

“Well we’ve got forty-five bedrooms in this godforsaken place,” spat Liam. “So… yeah.”

“Fifteen actually,” I corrected him. “But I know what you mean.”

“You do, huh?”


Liam nodded appreciatively, peeling open the apple sauce and stirring it in with the carrots. It looked like hell, but I knew the kids would eat it up just fine.

“Good,” my friend smiled. “Because I’ve got an idea…”