My eyes bounced upward just as they reached the button of his faded blue jeans. I got a good glimpse of his abs, though. You couldn’tnotlook at them really, they were that prominent, even through his shirt. Absently I wondered if he were married, or—

“Should I turn around?”

Shit, he’d caught me looking. Nothing to be done but—

“If you don’t mind, sure.”

Liam’s laugh was as cute as he was, and I half expected him to spin around and show me his ass. Instead his eyes dipped downward, taking in my own body unashamedly. If hedidhave a wife or girlfriend, we were both probably acting like assholes. But if he didn’t…

“Come on in,” he said. “The others are going toflipwhen they see you.”

I entered the high-reaching foyer of the incredible house, which was covered in sawdust, tools, and broken plaster. Two sets of steps swept left and right, both leading upward to an ornate second floor balcony. One of them was covered in protective brown paper.

“The guys are this way…” he paused beneath an archway, while pulling back a curtain of plastic.

Guys. Plural.My brows crossed.

“Wait, I didn’t even get your name.”

“I didn’t give it,” I smiled. “But it’s Delilah.”

“Delilah?” He said it slowly, like he were tasting it.


“Never met a Delilah before,” he smiled, still holding the curtain for me. “But the name’s beautiful.”

We walked through another part of the house, which was obviously not under construction yet. The rooms were cavernous, and sparsely decorated. I saw some frames, though. There were medals in one, and what looked to be a few colorful patches in another. An American flag wasn’t just hung on the wall, it was displayed above everything. It all looked neat and utilitarian and…


The kitchen however, had been modernized and lived in. As we passed through it I inhaled the scent of something fragrant, then saw the pot of sauce on the stove. Liam threw open a pair of french doors on the other side of an elongated kitchen table. I followed him out onto an overgrown patio area.

Almost immediately I saw the little boy who’d done the Superman leap off the bleachers. He was playing in the grass with the little blonde girl, rolling a ball back and forth with a third man I didn’t know.

“Look who I found!” Liam shouted.

The other man from the aquarium — the one with the goatee — was off to my left, in the middle of sawing plywood. He dropped everything when he saw me, including his jaw.


Without saying else anything he ran to me, scooped me into his arms, and hugged me until I screamed in pain.