“We’ll be gone overnight.”

Overnight.The butterflies were partying in my stomach again.

“Oh. Okay.”

“And don’t ask where we’re going, either. That’s a surprise.”

I bit my lower lip as my mind ran wild. “Is this a we’re going to the airport type of surprise, or…”

“Driving,” Elliot said. “Three and a half, maybe four hours.”

Aiden scoffed. “Bullshit. I can get us there in three.”

“Not unless you drive a hundred miles an hour,” replied Elliot calmly, not even looking up from his phone. “Or bend the laws of physics.”

“Overnight,” I repeated, already going over outfits in my head. For both day… and night.

Elliot nodded. “We could stay longer, but Connor’s coming back tomorrow.”

“Got it.”

The adrenaline of excitement rushed through me, as I wondered where they could be taking me. As wonderful as life in the house currently was, it would be fun to get away for a night.

A whole night withtwoof the guys.

Halfway to retracing my steps, I turned and walked back to them. One by one I hugged them from behind, letting my hair fall over their faces. Leaning down strategically so that the warmth of my breasts brushed the backs of their necks, I gave each of them a big kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks in advance for my surprise,” I whispered into Aiden’s ear.

Tipping his chin back to drain the rest of his juice, he smiled up at me sexily.

“Don’t thank me,” he murmured, jerking a thumb Elliot’s way. “It washisidea.”



“And… voila!”

One of them pulled the blindfold away, leaving me squinting hard in the morning light. The smile on my face was genuine, because I was so psyched to be here. It was beautiful, as it always was. The vast green lawn leading up to the rolling glass windows. The pale white pillars that raised the entire modular building a good two or three stories off the ground…

“Aww shit,” I heard Aiden say from behind me. “Sheknew.”

“She knew?” Elliot cried. “How the hell did she know?”

“Because she’s been here before,” Aiden speculated. He stepped into my peripheral vision, and was already examining the grin on my face. “Haven’t you?”

I turned and threw my arms around each of their necks, hugging them in turn. Before us, the Corning Museum of Glass glinted gorgeously in the cold morning sunlight.

“Alright, yes,” I admitted. “I’ve been here a half dozen times.”

“Told you,” Aiden grunted.

“But I LOVE this place!” I cried out. “It’s like the glassblowing hall of fame. And each time I come, there’s more to see. All new exhibits. All new artists.” I turned, smiling. “You’re in for a treat! This place is amazing, and you’re going to fall in love with it, even if you’re not a glassblower.”

“Which I am,” Aiden said proudly.

“Yes you are,” I laughed. “Still, I want you both to know that no matter how many times I’ve come,thistime is the most special. And that’s because the two of you were sweet enough to bring me here.”