“Fuck yeah she can,” I agreed with a smile. “But I also see whatyou’resaying.”

“And what’s that?”

“That you enjoy the hell out of the designing and planning part of this job. Much more than the simple act of buying and selling properties.”

I watched as his blue eyes flashed, and his mouth curled into an appreciate smile.

“Connor too,” he admitted. “Yes.”

“But not Elliot.”

The brightness of Aiden’s smile faded a bit at my last sentence. Somberly, he reached for his coffee again.

“No,” he sighed wistfully. “Not Elliot.”



“What the fresh fucken hell isthis?”

Connor was standing in the doorway to his bedroom, looking totally indignant. The object dangling from his middle finger was something I recognized immediately.

“A bra?”

“I know what itis, but what’s it doing in my bed?”

I tried to think of a little white lie, but nothing came immediately to mind. The longer I waited, the worse it was. Already I was flushing a bright red.

“I, ummm…”

Jeeze, this was bad.

“I really don’t know how that got—”

“Who was it with, lass?” he demanded. “Because it certainly wasn’t me. We’ve been taking our romps in your bed for weeks now, so whoever it—”

“Alright, it was Elliot,” I admitted sheepishly.

I tried smiling and shrugging, as if that would somehow make it better. But he had me.

“Look, it was a quickie,” I tried to explain. “He grabbed me in the hallway, and the nearest bedroom just happened to be—”

“That fucker!” Connor cried. “He’s territorial! This is him getting me back for drinking his whiskey, I know it is!”

I covered my mouth with one hand to suppress a chuckle. It wasn’t working.

“Look, it’s not like—”

“Come on,” he said, grabbing my wrist. “We’re fucking inhisbed! Right now! Before we do anything else!”

I resisted just long enough to let out a giggle, then let him lead me down the rest of the hallway. Despite Connor constantly stealing his whiskey, Elliot’s bedroom was never locked. It was an unspoken rule the three of them had, in business and in friendship: there were no secrets between them.

Actually, it was one of the things I admired most about them.

“Listen,” I pleaded, as Connor pulled me onto his friend’s immaculately-made bed. “I’ve got work today. I can’t just—”

“Oh don’t worry sunshine,” he promised. “This will be over quick.”