I woke with no idea what time it was, only that the room was streaming with light. Elliot was gone, his side of the bed cold and empty. I’d felt him leave hours ago, when everything was still in darkness.


The word made no sense. It was literally freezing outside, or close to it. And the shrill sound of wind gusts buffeting against the glass left me in no hurry to venture outside anytime soon.

I twisted my body and came face to face with an insulated carafe of whathadto be coffee, judging by the array of creams and sugars scattered around it on the hotel tray. I overturned an empty mug and poured, and the liquid was indeed piping hot. Silently I blessed the coffee gods, then said a special thanks to Elliot for undoubtedly setting this up.

“You totally fuckingrock.”

He certainly did rock, and in many more ways than one. Most specifically, the pleasant soreness between my legs told me we’d done good last night. Real good. As in business in the business bed, and then business again — quite possibly two or three more times, actually — in thepleasurebed as well.

But hey, who was counting?

Groggily I fixed my coffee, while recounting the events of last night. Still five hours ahead of Iceland’s time, we’d been hard-pressed to find sleep. With nothing else to do the two of us lay there propped up on pillows, talking for long stretches about our previous lives. Our conversations delved deep. We spoke about our dreams versus our realities, our hopes and our fears. We fleshed out the problems of the present. Our hopes for the future.

But in between all that, we fucked each other absolutelysenseless.

The first time Elliot rolled onto me again I accepted him with open arms, and not even a hint of a question as to whether or not he wanted to switch beds. Our lovemaking was fast and furious. Relentless in its approach to get each of us off. Like the perfect gentleman I knew he was, he’d waited until I’d finished before spending himself, fully and completely, deep in my fertile womb.

And my God… the whole thing was justsofucking hot.

Still, I’d pushed his limits. I wasn’t entirely sure of what was going on in his handsome little head, but I knew he hadn’t planned on sleeping beside me. It had felt so good too, being wrapped in his rock-hard arms. Drifting off to sleep against his strong, manly chest while being lulled to sleep by the slow, steady beating of his heart.

No, I was sure I’d broken his rules. And not just one of them either, but many.



My phone went off so abruptly I spilled coffee on my arm. Shaking it off and cursing, I pressed the speaker button.


Connor’s voice came through so loud and clear it was like he was there in the room with me. All of a sudden, I missed him greatly.

“Are you there, love?”

“Yeah I’m here,” I answered, licking my arm like a wounded animal. “Clear on the other side of the world, but I’m here.”

“Iceland,” Connor affirmed. “We know. That dickhead stole you away just as things were getting good for us. Aiden and I arepissed.”

“Hi Jordyn!” I heard Aiden call from somewhere beside him.

The first smile of the day cracked my face. It felt good to be missed.

“He’s gunna impregnate ya before we do, that fucker.”

At the rate we’re having sex?I thought to myself.Most likely, yeah.

“Tell Elliot if he doesn’t bring you back here pronto I’m gunna drink all his whiskey. And I’m talking about the good stuff!”

“He onlyhasthe good stuff,” I heard Aiden laugh in the background.

God they sounded so happy, so thrilled to hear from me. I found myself missing the house, too: the kitchen, the gym, boxing ring and everything. I even missed work.

“Aiden’s right,” I agreed. “And it’s an empty threat, because you already drink his whiskey anyway.”