I sat up on my elbows. “You’re herealready?”I gasped, ignoring the question.

He nodded. “Told you it would be short. There was someone I had to see, touch base with. The real meeting’s tomorrow, five-thirty.”

“In themorning?”

“On the golf course,” he nodded.

Elliot pulled something from his coat pocket before hanging it up, and tossed it my way. It landed lightly on my stomach, before I had a chance to react.

“Bathing suit,” he said, matter-of-factly.

I picked up the satin red two-piece and held it up, wondering where the rest of the fabric was. It was definitely… skimpy.

“In packing forIceland, I figured you probably didn’t bring one.”



“You’re right,” I sighed, leaning my head back. The steam rose up all around me, shrouding us in a cocoon of warmth and privacy. “This isridiculous.”

We’d been splashing through the lagoon for twenty minutes, exploring the milky blue waters set against the dark, nighttime sky. Beneath us, paste-like silica was everywhere. People were rubbing it on their bodies, running it through their hair. They even painted their faces with it, looking both war-like and silly.

The pools were jagged and irregularly-shaped, giving us plenty of private areas to swim out to and be wholly and completely alone. Elliot led the way to the far side, where the voices of others and cries of excitement faded into the background. Eventually we were by ourselves.

“This was a damned good idea,” I told him, as we floated together.

“Oh yeah?” he asked, flashing me a rare smile.


I reached out and painted his nose with a line of paste-like silica. He didn’t even flinch, or try to stop me. For once he looked totally relaxed.

“Thanks for coming with,” he said simply, his breath turning to steam against the frozen night air. “This trip promised to be boring, until now.”

I swam closer, until our bodies were practically touching. “Thanks for inviting me.”

“Wanna see something cool?”

I nodded, and he pointed over my shoulder. When I looked again, I could just barely make out the swirling green wisps of the northern lights.

“Whoa…” I breathed, staring up at the sky. The lights were shimmering. Twinkling. Beautiful. “How come I didn’t notice them before?”

“Because it’s darker on this side of the pool,” said Elliot. “Less light pollution. Give your eyes a few minutes to adjust, and they’ll be a lot more vivid.”

A pair of arms went around me, sliding beneath my breasts. They locked tightly around my midsection, as I felt the hardness of his body mold itself to mine.

“Two beds, huh?” I murmured.


“You got a room with two beds so we could sleep apart. All business. No pleasure.”

“Noattachment,” he all but whispered into my ear. “But who said anything about denying pleasure?”

I spun into him, and suddenly we were holding each other. Bobbing up and down in the geothermally-heated waters, we gazed into each other’s eyes.

“I was looking forward to sleeping in the same bed,” I told him truthfully. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a boyfriend. I miss the feel of a warm body to wake up to.”