All of a sudden Aiden laughed, breaking the silence.
“You’ve got two very red handprints.”
I glanced back, and saw what he meant. The bright red marks on either side of my ass — showing off white-rimmed fingers, thumbs and all — made me giggle.
“Next time I’m spanking you guys,” I joked.
Stretching his beautiful arms out, Connor interlaced his fingers and cracked every one of his knuckles. Smiling as he writhed into the warmth of my sheets, he planted a funny kiss on the tip of my nose.
“Next time’s in about fifteen minutes, love.”
I found Elliot exactly where I always did at 5:15 in the morning: standing at the kitchen counter, making his breakfast. He ate the same thing every morning too: steel-cut oatmeal with nutmeg and cinnamon, mixed in with half a banana.
“Good morning,” I said cheerfully.
Elliot grunted back a greeting and slid me an empty coffee mug, from the mug tree on his side of the counter. Then he went about slicing a banana in the dead center, and peeling his half of it.
“Don’t you ever eat the other half?” I asked.
“No,” he said simply.
“Why not?”
“Because I only want half.”
I’d set my alarm on purpose, just to have this conversation with him. The others, I knew, were still sleeping. They hadn’t left my bed until 3am.
“So what happens to the other half?” I asked.
Slicing the banana into slivers with a small knife, Elliot shrugged. “Dunno,” he said. “It probably gets thrown out or something.”
“Isn’t that wasteful?”
“Not for me,” he answered, adding a splash of boiling water to his bowl. “I only want half.”
I watched him carefully as I poured my coffee. The more I saw of Elliot, the more he fascinated me. He was like two separate people, rolled into one. Part routine-adhering robot, for sure. But also part cold, calculating, relentlessly-driven business shark.
“What would happen if you ate thewholebanana?” I asked, pushing the issue. “Would the world come crashing to an end?”
“Probably not, no.”
Fixing my coffee with a dash of milk, I chuckled and slid into the spot next to him. It wasn’t my usual spot, and eventhatmight bother him. But I needed every advantage provided by setting him off his game.
My heart was racing, my mind spinning with thoughts of the night before. I wanted to go over it again and again, reliving it over and over until it was burned into my mind. But I had to focus on the matter at hand.
“So I had sex last night,” I said nonchalantly. “With Aiden and Connor.”
Again, just like ripping off a band-aid.
“You did, eh?”
Elliot’s tone and vocal inflection didn’t change a single note. There was no shock, no surprise. No jealousy, or even a hint of outrage. He didn’t even look up from his phone.