He pulled himself from my mouth, then kissed me wetly, upside down. Before switching places, he smiled and looked me right in the eyes.

“This good by you?”

I was rocked gently by one last thrust, and then Connor left my body. I was so hot I was molten. I couldn’t wait to be filled again.

“Better than anything,” I told Aiden, adding a smile.


Rather than switch places they physically spun me around; four strong hands pivoting my body until I was facing the opposite direction. Aiden’s hands went to my ankles, gripping them tightly. I felt his arms cross, and I gasped as he flipped me onto my stomach.


Grabbing my hips he pulled me towards him, until I was face down, ass up. I could feel myself throbbing with need. The heat between my legs was practically begging for him.


I didn’t have to wait long. Aiden pushed the saliva-coated head past my entrance, filling me magnificently. Inch by beautiful inch, he parted me like a swollen pink flower.

“My God she’s so fuckingwarm…”

Connor laughed from his side of the bed. “Why’d ya think I had to quit?”

“Well the goalisto get me pregnant,” I murmured, as the Irishman cradled my face gently in his two big hands. “There’s no reason to hold back from letting go.”

“True enough,” Connor sighed, kissing me through a cascade of my fallen hair. “But there’s nothin’ sayin’ we can’t take our sweet time about doing that, is there?”



With gentle hands Connor pinned my hair back over my ears and kissed me some more, as Aiden and I fully consummated our union. His hands felt incredible on my hips. Every time he flexed his fingers, I was reminded of the strength and power behind each of his thrusts.

Still, it was nothing compared to how deliciously deep he drove into me. For a minute or two it was just him doing me doggy-style, with me rocking back to meet every one of his thrusts. Before long the two of us were screwing in perfect rhythm, like we’d been doing it all our lives.

Just like riding a bike…

God, I so fuckingneededthis!

“Alright sunshine,” Connor chuckled eventually. “I need some too.”

I smiled dreamily as he pushed the thick, mushroom-shaped head of his manhood past my eager lips. No wonder why it had filled me so perfectly. Connor was thick and hard and beautiful, and tasted likeme.

“Ohhh, fuck yah.”

Still on my hands and knees, I focused on the exquisite feeling of being filled from both ends. I was screwingtwoguys! And not just that, I was taking them both at the same time. Moaning thirstily as they penetrated me deeply, both from in front and behind…

I— I can’t believe this is actually happening.

I’d fantasized as much as the next woman, but never had I imagined it could bethis good. The whole thing was perfect in every way, maybe because I knew them so well. I respected them. I trusted them…

You care for them. And they care for you.

Tiny alarms went off, somewhere in the back of my head. This was more than attraction, more than sex. There was attachment here. Affection. Feelings that went beyond sexual, but also beyond friendship.


I sighed in ecstasy as Aiden picked up the pace, ramming into me at speeds that would surely make me come again. It obliterated whatever I’d just been thinking about. Occupied my brain with its quest to receive as much pleasure as possible, while focusing ondealingthat pleasure to the man in front of me. The one with the rock-hard stomach I’d been touching all night. The one gently sifting through my hair with both hands as I took him all the way down my throat…