Only it wasn’t a dream at all. It was a hundred percent real and a thousand percent fantastic. Best of all I could lay back and enjoy it, because we were three consenting adults operating within the scope of the rules, now.

Or at least, the rules that we’d bent in our favor.


I exhaled the phrase as a single word, as Connor pushed my thighs back and slid into me. He was buried deep, way fucking deep… so deep it actually made me gasp in alarm when he kept on going.


He finally bottomed out, and I was never so thankful to see the end of a cock! With his balls pressed tightly against my ass he stopped dead inside me, rolling his hips. Then he smiled, allowing himself the simple enjoyment of marinating inside me, before nodding back toward his friend.

“Keep going on him,” he told me, before sliding back out. “That’s so fucking hot, watching you do that.”

I exhaled with a smirk, then turned my head and swallowed Aiden again. His shaft was long and smooth, perfect for sliding all the way to the back of my throat. I was enjoying him immensely, only now I had Connor’s thrusts to contend with as well. As he began fucking me in earnest, it became difficult to get the timing right.


I nodded gratefully, and he forced himself to slow down. He felt absolutely incredible inside me at any speed, but with his strokes coming slower and more rhythmically, I was able to focus on Aiden as well.

This is nuts!

When I’d come up with the idea of having sex with them, I’d never imagined it would go like this! I figured they’d want to take turns. That it would be a one-on-one thing, and each of them would maybe take a different night of the week.

Yeah. Like that’s somehow better?

In the grand scheme of things, it was and it wasn’t. I mean one at a time would be more normal, right? It might make made me feel less wanton. Less… dirty.

Not that there was anythingwrongwith dirty. Dirty could be pretty damned good. Dirty could belotsof fun. But in the end, was there really a difference? I mean, when the goal was to get me pregnant as soon as possible, by any one of these three hot men?

It seemed almost counterproductive not to…


Combine a few schedules?

Right now I was enjoying the hell out of Connor, especially as he lifted one leg over his shoulder and began scissoring me with long, controlled strokes. But on the other hand I was enjoying Aiden, too. It feltpowerful, doing them both at once. Riding out the gorgeous guy plowing away between my legs, while his friend’s thick, beautiful manhood grew ever-harder in my mouth.

Holy shit, Jordyn.

No, I definitely hadn’t imaginedthis.But was that so bad? After all, the goal was still the same. I was still going to fuck them both until I felt them surging inside, pumping my overly-fertile womb full of their hot, life-giving seed.

And if I happened to enjoy a few orgasms along the way? All the better. There were at least four or five different theories I’d read about, involving how a female orgasm during intercourse only increased the chances of conception…

“There…” I purred happily, as Connor’s latest thrust angled its way into the perfect spot. “Right. Fucking. There.”

I was thrilled that they’d come to me. But I was even more thrilled that they’d cometogether. I’d felt a little guilty, kissing them both without the other knowing. But now, having both shown up after midnight, shirtless and ready to rock me in my own bed? I had to wonder if they’d actually talked.

Doesn’t matter now, does it?

Nope, I sighed to myself contentedly. Not even a little bit.

“Take her for a spin?”

Connor, still buried inside me, was looking over my naked body. He was talking to his friend, about me. Aboutfuckingme.

Holy shit it was so damned hot.

“Are you kidding?” Aiden smirked back. “Give her over.”