“Introspective,” I repeated.

“Now you’re getting it.”

An icy shiver ran through me, and I scrunched deeper into the chair. Aiden noticed it immediately.

“You want that fireplace lit?” he pointed.

“Desperately,” I replied. “But it looks like a pain in the ass. Plus I couldn’t find any wood anywhere, even when I—”

He held up one finger, then got to his feet. Three steps later he was pushing a button on the wall, and the fireplace erupted in instant flames.

“Holy shit,” I laughed, smacking my forehead.

He nodded, grinning. “Gas-powered.”

“I’m an idiot.”

“Nah, we should’ve probably showed you,” he said. “Especially now that the weather’s getting colder.”

Standing at his full impressive height, I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander. Aiden was still hotter than hell, even in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. Probably because that T-shirt was so tight, showing off every sculpted line of his chest and torso. And the loose-fitting sweatpants, well…

I imagined I could see anoutlinethere.

“I have a confession to make,” he said abruptly. “I didn’tjustcome here to talk about Elliot.”

“I know.”

His head tilted quizzically. “Youdo?”

“You also came to light my fire,” I teased. “And drink my beer.”

The face he made was priceless, and I laughed right through it. When I was done though, he looked me straight in the eye.

“I wanted to ask if we could do movie night together,” he said. “You know, like you and Connor did.”

“Movie night…”

“Yeah, maybe even tomorrow. If you’re up for it, that is.”

The fire was already feeling warm and cozy. I didn’t want it to end.

“What about tonight?”

Aiden blinked down at me, sitting there in the chair. I was in my dress. The same one I’d worn out to dinner with Elliot.

“Really?” he asked. “You’re not tired?”

“No, actually I’m wide awake,” I said. “I have a warm fire. Cold beer…” I gave up a half-shrug, while staring back at him pointedly. “Plus, for some reason right now I’d rather not be alone.”

Aiden’s face brightened. He looked back at the fireplace.

“I could crank that thing up,” he said. “Make it so hot that we feel it from the couch.”

I extended an arm, holding my hand out to him. He took it in his, and pulled me effortlessly to my feet.

“Go put on something cozy,” he told me. “And I’ll find us a movie.”

I was so happy I leaned in, slid my face against his, and kissed him square on his stubbled cheek.