I didn’t answer. He didn’t push.

“If so, I want you to know I understand. They’re all magnificent, breathtaking experiences. Some of them once-in-a-lifetime.” He turned away and chuckled. “Except for skydiving,” he sighed, a bit forlornly. “Once you’ve landed after screaming through the air at one-hundred-twenty miles-per-hour, fourteen-thousand feet above the earth, the only thing you really want is to do it again.”

His statement put an instant smile on my face. And that’s becauseonlysomeone who’d had that particular experience could possibly understand.

“You got that right.”

He grinned back at me, and I could feel a new kinship between us. By the look on Elliot’s face, he felt it too.

“Listen, Jordyn…” It was one of the only times he’d said my name without calling me ‘Ms. Shields’ first. “I want you to know how grateful we are that you’re doing this for us. For any and all reasons.”

“Well youarepaying me,” I pointed out.

“Obviously,” said Elliot, “but we both know it goes well beyond that. You’re giving the greatest gift anyone could possibly ever give. You’re bringing new life into the world.”

I nodded, feeling flush. He was being heartfelt. Genuine. I had to force myself to look away.

“And we want you to know something else,” said Elliot.

God, seriously?I almost didn’t want to know.


“That you’re welcome to be a part of our extended family,” he said gravely, “in any capacity that interests you. Providing of course, it’s something that interests you at all.”

His voice had gone deadly serious, but also warmly sincere. The meaning of his words however, wasn’t lost on me.

“So… you’re saying—”

“That no, you won’t have parental rights,” he cut in. “Legally, you won’t have any rights or responsibilities at all, once the baby is born. But just in case youdidwant to visit the child you brought into this world, or be a part of his or her life? You’d always be welcome in our home.”

Elliot reached out and closed a hand over mine. It was a strong but gentle hand. A warm hand.

“You could be a ‘friend’, or an ‘aunt’ or whatever you’d like to call yourself, really. That’s up to you. But as far as we see it, you and Sherri will always be the mothers of our child.”

My head hurt. My heart felt like someone had reached into my chest and twisted it.

“Or if you prefer,” Elliot finished, “you can go your own way entirely. No obligation, no strings. But that decision is entirely up to you.”



Knock! Knock!

The rapping was low and non-intrusive, but loud enough to be heard. It came from the outer door this time, the one to my living area. I’d closed it because I wanted to be alone. Because I’d wanted to think about the events of the night, and reconcile some of the things Elliot had told me, in my spinning head.

“Come in.”

I answered wearily from one of the plush leather chairs that faced the empty fireplace. My back was to the door, my arms extended. I heard it open. Felt the change in air pressure, as someone stepped inside.

“You still awake?”

It wasn’t quite midnight, but it was close. And yes, I was awake. Mentally if not physically, anyway.

“How’d it go with Elliot?”

Aiden walked into the room, stopping off at my kitchen first. I heard the refrigerator door open and close. He stepped beside me, and I felt the warm, empty bottle of beer that I’d been holding for the last fifteen minutes being lifted from my limp hand.