
I knew they’d flown west to do some deal together, but it was as much information as I’d gotten. Even that was more information than I really needed, because I’d decided from the very beginning that the guys’ business was their business alone.

“We celebrating tonight?” asked Connor. “Going out, or—”

“Actually I need to drive to the City tonight,” said another voice, out of the clear blue sky. “It’s probably best to drop this paperwork off at our lawyers sooner, rather than later.”

I whirled and saw Elliot, standing in the doorway. He’d returned, showered, and dressed right back into a different suit and tie. All within the span of an hour or so.

“Man, you don’t stop, do you?” Connor scoffed. “Pay a courier. Pour some scotch and kick back for shit’s sake.”

But Elliot only shook his head. “I’d rather just get it done.”

I had to admit, he had an uncanny knack for showing up unexpectedly. I’d seen him the least out of all three men, but just about every time he’d pretty much materialized in a room or a doorway, like some kind of wizard.

“I was thinking maybe you’d come with me,” Elliot said.

It took a second or two to realize he was talking to me. I only figured it out because the room had gone silent, and the others were staring.

“What, me?”

“Sure, why not?” he said. “Have you eaten yet?”

My stomach rumbled. “No, actually.”

“Perfect,” Elliot replied. “Think you can show me a good restaurant somewhere north of 79th street?”

“Are you kidding?” I smirked. “I can show you twenty.”

“Then get dressed,” he said. “And meet me out front in… how long?”

I glanced back at him standing there in the doorway, slipping on a pair of cufflinks. He looked fresh as a daisy, picture perfect. Like he was going in to give a 9am presentation to a boardroom of fifty people, instead of heading out to drop off some paperwork after having spent most of the day in the air.

“Ten minutes,” I told him. “Maybe fifteen.”

“Ten minutes it is,” he turned away with a smile.



Unlike my ride with Aiden this time we had a driver, because it turned out Elliot rarely drove. I though it odd, considering everything I knew about him. He was supposed to be a control freak.

He looked damned good though. Tall and even roguishly handsome in his black slacks and suit jacket. The red silk tie around his neck was fixed in a perfect Windsor knot, cinched high and tight against his crisp, most-likely starched collar.

“So why’d you do it,” he asked casually.

We weren’t even out of the driveway yet, and the driver hadn’t finished closing the partition. The question had come so suddenly I froze with an instead dread.

He knows.

“D—Do what?”

“Become a surrogate,” he said matter-of-factly.

I breathed such a long sigh of relief it seemed overly obvious. I jumped in before he could say anything else.

“I guess I just wanted to help people,” I said.