
“I’m just saying you’re probably knackered,” he shrugged. “We could stay the night, rest up until morning. Have an early breakfast, then fly back.”

“Think we should?”

I regretted the words the second I said them. Only Ihadto say them.

“Elliot would probably kick our arses,” Connor admitted, this time with a sly smile. “Ifhe knew.”

“If he knew…” I repeated.

“Of course you’d have the bed and I’d take the couch,” he explained, as if no explanation were necessary. “Like a perfect Irish gentleman.”

“You? A gentleman?” I laughed.

“Hey, that hurts.” He put on a mock wounded look.

“I don’t think you’re capable of being hurt,” I told him glibly. “In fact, you seem pretty indestructible.”

We could stay…

Connor’s words echoed again in my head. I paused, my stomach doing somersaults as I contemplated the magnitude of the offer. I was tired, but notthattired. Not enough to give up on… whatever it was I was about to give up on.

“I guess I could use a couple hours sleep,” I admitted. “You know, if something’s available.”

“Aye,” he agreed. “If something’s available.”

We exchanged the same crazy glance and then he was turning away, moving in the direction of the front desk.

Oh wow.

My heart leapt into my throat.

This is really going to happe—

My inner dialogue was suddenly interrupted by the high-pitched chime of my phone’s alarm. I looked down to see the new notification: black text against a bright orange background. Connor had turned around too.

“Ah, shit,” I sighed.

“Shit what?”

“The weather’s turning,” I told him. “There’s a front moving in.”

“Is that bad?”

“It could be real bad,” I said, “depending on how fast we get out of here. If we leave now though, we can beat it home.”

Connor’s disappointment was as grave as it was palpable. His shoulders slumped.

“And if we don’t?” he asked sullenly.

“If we don’t, I can’t get us home anytime soon,” I said. “I’m not instrument rated yet. I can only fly VFR.”


“Visual flight rules. We’d be stuck here until the skies were clear again.”

He took a step back my way and reached out for me. For a heart-stopping second I thought something might happen between us. Instead, he only took my hand again.