
His broad shoulders and beautiful frame were covered in an expensive-looking suit jacket and an immaculately clean, button-down shirt. Which didn’t make much sense, because his hand was strong and calloused as if from manual labor.

“Is that a Malibu bay breeze?” he asked, pointing down at one of the umbrellaed drinks.

I laughed so hard I practically snorted. “Hell if I know.”

Lifting the two glasses like they were radioactive, he reached out and set them down in front of my displaced suitor. The man was still sitting there, in apparent shock.

“How doyouknow what they are?” I asked skeptically.

“I saw them on a cruise once,” he grinned. “I think.”

A different waitress arrived, and immediately set down two beers in front of us. Exactly the same label beer I’d been drinking, too.

“Thank you,” smiled Aiden, pushing a bill onto her tray.

A sexy 5-o’clock shadow covered the lower half of his face, set off by two straight rows of perfectly white teeth. God, he was so good-looking! Way more than even in the photos he’d sent.

Not that it mattered, of course.

“Smooth,” I said, raising my new bottle. “Real smooth.”

“As smooth asthatguy?” he pointed to our friend, who was finally wandering away.

“C’mon,” I teased. “Don’t make fun. He was actually growing on me.”

“Really? I could always call him back.”

Grinning happily he toasted me back, our bottles clinking together as those wild blue eyes locked on mine. And in that moment Iknew. In retrospect, I should’ve known all along.

“So Jordyn,” he said, settling back comfortably after a long, cold pull. “Let me ask you something.”

“Anything,” I replied, settling back myself.

“Are you ready to be the mother of my children?”

My own smile continued to widen, until it felt like it was cracking my face in two.

“Ha! Bet you’ve been waiting forever to usethatone.”

“All my life,” Aiden shrugged and grinned.



She wasn’t just pretty she was absolutely gorgeous, although none of it was supposed to matter. It didn’t stop me from noticing it, though. Didn’t deter me from stealing a glance.

“And you know Annie?” she was asking.

“Very well,” I told her. “She’s the one who put us in touch with you. She said you weren’t technically listed, but you were still active in the surrogacy program.”

“Annie’s a gem.”

“A shining jewel,” I agreed. “And a very good friend of ours.”

Her expression changed a bit as her eyes crawled over me without apology. I wondered if she were putting me through some kind of test I needed to pass. Or even better, what she saw.