“You’ll see,” she’d smiled.

Five minutes later we were standing in front of this tiny four-seat aircraft, as Jordyn circled the plane in some sort of pre-flight check. Ten minutes after that we were barreling down the runway, the ground dropping out beneath us as we lifted off into the crisp autumn sky.

“Bloody hell,” I’d sworn, as she’d pointed to the wing-step and ushered me into the plane. “You’re apilot?”

“Got my license last summer,” she’d smiled.

“Lastsummer?” I’d protested. “What do you mean last—”

But she’d only laughed and shoved me in.

She wouldn’t tell me where we were going, only to shower well and get semi-dressed up. And now here we were, somewhere in southern Connecticut. Banking hard to the right in a tiny airplane, with the ground rushing up to meet us.

“Call for an Uber?” Jordyn said to me, speaking casually into the headset. “Tell them to come to the Mystic Jet FBO at Groton?”

It was all Greek to me, but suddenly my cell service had come back. Grateful to be distracted from our loss of altitude, I punched in what she told me. A minute after that we were touching down, and I was gratefully making the sign of the cross. Jordyn taxied the plane to a small but open area where similar aircraft were parked, pulled into a berth, and killed the engine.

“You okay?” she teased, pulling off her headset and popping the door open.

I shook my head slowly left and right. “You’re a madwoman.”

“Maybe,” she shrugged. “Sure you don’t wanna get out and kiss the ground?”

“Kiss my arse,” I barked.

“That’s better,” she laughed. “Now come on.”

With my feet firmly on the ground again, I felt immeasurably better. Jordyn dealt with the desk at a place marked Mystic Jet, arranging for fuel and leaving a credit card. I intercepted it immediately and slid my own forward instead.

“If you think I’m lettin’ you fly me to fucken Connecticutandpay the way, you’re out of your pretty little mind.”

She shrugged again, smiled, and put her card away. “Okay,” she said. “But I’m buying coffee.”

“You’re goddamn right you are.”

I shook off the remaining jitters from our impromptu flight, just as my phone chimed to indicate our Uber was here. We exited the little lobby and climbed into the back, and for the first time all night I felt my shoulders relax.

“Mohegan Sun?” I smiled at her, as the driver pulled away. “All this for a casino run?”

“Faster than driving,” she said.

“Yes, well we could’ve driven to Atlantic City,” I pointed out.

“Sure, but where’s the adventure in that?”

I leaned back as the driver guided us northward, on a twenty-minute drive through darkened, mostly empty roads. Jordyn was absolutely glowing. She looked especially hot in a short red dress and matching pumps, with her hair let out in a way I’d never seen. Usually she had it bunched up in a bun or tied back behind her. She said something about accidentally burning it once at work, and the words ‘never again.’

Now however, she looked absolutely ravishing. I had to keep from ogling her more than once, as my mind wandered back to all the photos of her doing such incredible things. Things like falling through the sky with two thumbs up and hanging one-handed from the tips of cliffs. There were photos of her snowboarding in deep powder. Mountain-biking on inclines that made me dizzy.

And now she’d flown us all the way to Groton in a single-prop plane.

“You’ve been to that airport before, huh?” I asked.

“What? Greenwood Lake?” She nodded. “I checked it out the first week I was in the house. Not having to pay rent finally left me with some fun money.”

“To do fun stuff.”
