“So I’m going to need quite a few days off over the next year,” I said as casually as possible, dropping the statement straight out of the blue. “Maybe a couple of weeks too.”
Dante squeezed tighter then pulled, drawing the molten glass half a foot outward. His eyes were locked on his work. Only the sound of his voice indicated he was paying any attention to me at all.
“I’m having Elliot Chase’s baby,” I said even more nonchalantly. “Maybe. One in three chance.”
“Elliot Chase…” his face scrunched up as he tried to put a face with the name. “That guy on the park benches?”
“That’s the one.”
I bent forward and blew hard into the blowpipe, watching as the hot bulb at the end expanded into something resembling a ball. It was getting big, but not big enough.
Taking a fast, deep breath I really put my lungs into it. The bulb inflated even more, the colors changing as the glass was stretched to new limits. On the other end, Dante drew it into a perfect conical shape. When he was satisfied, he made the motion for me to stop.
“You’re pregnant withhisbaby?” he asked skeptically.
“No, not yet. Soon though. Probably.”
He scoffed. “Probably?”
Dante still hadn’t looked at me. He was too busy flaring the leading edge of what would be the decanter’s finish. The glass — where it was cooling enough to see — would be a beautiful blue-gold when all was said and done.
“Will you still be able to teach classes?”
I shrugged, considering the question for the first time. “I don’t see why not.”
“You’re gonna get big,” he said. “You work in a glass shop. You might break shit. Hell, you’ll probably knock everything over with that pregnant belly of yours.”
He dropped his tools and slipped on a second fireproof glove. He was obviously happy with the shape.
“Yeah, well you’ll survive,” I told him. “After all, you did name the placeShatter.”
Blowing back a few errant locks of his long black hair, my boss and mentor grunted. “Pregnant glassblowers weren’t in the original business plan. Break!”
I tapped the blowpipe lightly but firmly with the jack, and was rewarded with that high-pitched ‘clink’ I always loved. Dante took the piece into his hands as it broke free of the mount.
“You still keep Kenny on,” I pointed out. “His belly’s already bigger than mine will ever be.”
We both turned to glance at Kenny, who was busy two stations over. Sweat was pouring off him in rivers as he stood there in front of the furnace, turning his piece in clockwise circles. Just like always.
“Alright,” Dante finally grinned. “Point made.”
I felt relief as I followed him to the annealer. Pulling the big metal door open, I watched as he carefully set the decanter inside.
“Alright then,” he said, pulling the gloves off one by one as I closed the door. “You give me a little advanced notice when it comes to your pregnancy… stuff?” he paused awkwardly. “And I’ll try to work a few things around you.”
“Thanks Dante,” I said gratefully.
“You’ll need a couple months off once the baby comes,” he continued. “I’m sure we could—”
“Oh,” I interjected quickly. “No, I won’t be needing that.”