“Let’s hear it.”

Still smiling, I shrugged. “We really just didn’t want to miss anything,” I said. “The three of us have talked about this for a long time, and we’re thrilled to be bringing a child into our lives. But we want to experienceallof it. Not just some.”

“Meaning the pregnancy,” said Jordyn. “All forty weeks of it.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Every bump, every kick.”

“Every hormonal change and craving?” she piped in. “No matter how outlandish or bizarre?”

“Soup to nuts,” I told her.

“Because I might get outlandish,” she admitted. “I might get bizarre.”

“Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure we can accommodate you,” I chuckled.

Her eyes shifted to the others as they nodded in turn, before finally moving back to me. And there it was — that challenge again. A flash of hazel-flecked green, beneath those thick, heavy brows that suited her so perfectly.

Damn, she’s pretty.

I thrust the thought immediately aside. If she were our egg donor, such a thing might matter to us. Her physical appearance would be something to be taken into consideration.

But not as our surrogate.

She’s still beautiful, though.

“Have they shown you around yet?” I asked. “Have you seen your rooms?”

“Rooms?” she asked. “As in plural?”


I had to admit it was cute, watching her take the place in. The house was absolutely amazing when we’d acquired it. After all we’d done, it was even more so, now.

“You’re giving merooms,” she repeated, tapping a finger to her chin.

“That’s right.”

“And I’ll have the run ofthiskitchen?”

“Anything you want,” said Aiden. “Anytime you want it.”

“And I’m assuming…” she pointed to Connor, whostillhadn’t left to put a shirt on. “There’s some kind of a gym in here?”

Before anything else could be said, Connor grinned and took her by the wrist. Like an overly-excited kid dragging his parents out of bed on Christmas morning, he pulled her down the hallway and into the sprawling, vaulted study we’d been using as our workout area. The place was filled with weights, dumbbells, treadmills and elliptical machines. All of it faced a bank of three different televisions.

Jordyn appeared utterly speechless, as evidenced by the half-minute of dead silence that accompanied her open-mouthed stare. She spun three times in a slow circle, taking it all in.

“So what do you say?” I asked finally. “We’ve already decided we want you. Are you in?”

Her mouth closed slowly, until those full lips were once again pressed against each other. It wasn’t all that surprising when one corner of her mouth curled up in a grin.

“I say let’s have a baby together,” she said, clapping her hands.



The two-thousand degree furnace glowed an angry orange, the hiss of its inner flames sounding like something out of horror movie hell. My boss and mentor stood before it, twisting the sculpture in fast circles. Working to shape it before it cooled too much, using the textured masher and a pair of tongs.