“We’re your future now,” said Adrian. “The four of us — and more of us…” he slid one hand down over my belly. “A family. Forever.”

Slowly, Luke reached out and opened the locket. A tiny photo took up each side now, where only blank space had been. Smiling pictures of my mother and father, frozen in time, on each side of the heart.

“But this family,” Warren said gently, pointing to the tiny photos, “is one we never want you to forget. And you do that by keeping them here, next to your heart.”

Gingerly he took the chain from my trembling fingers. Adrian helped him slide it around my neck, and together they engaged the clasp. The locket fell between my breasts, resting where it always did. Only now it contained something that made it even more precious: my parents.

“You… you don’t know what this means to me,” I stammered quietly. “It’s everything.”

I did my best to compose myself, while they stood there in silence. Their smiles were brighter than they’d ever been. In three whole years of dating them, of loving them, of building our businesses together, my heart had never been more deeply touched.

“You know, you still haven’t given us an answer,” Luke said finally.

“A—An answer?”

“Yes,” laughed Warren. “You do remember the question, don’t you?”

The question.My mind raced a mile a minute!The question… the question…

“Oh yes!” I cried out excitedly. “OfcourseI’ll marry you!”

I threw my arms around them, kissing them one by one. Their strong arms held me tight. Passing me back and forth, they made sure each of them got ample time.

“You realize this meansallof us,” said Warren. “Right?”


“You’ll have three husbands,” said Adrian. “Three times the mess we’re gonna make. Three times the pain in the ass.”

“Bring it on,” I smirked, playing their game.

“Three times the jackassery,” Luke teased. “Three times the—”

“Three times the love,” I jumped in. “Three times the awesomeness. Three times the birthday presents! And let’s not forget, three times the sex…”

That part I already knew well enough, having all moved into our new place just over two years ago. It wasn’t a house we owned — at least not yet — but it was a house we’d made into a home, together, as a foursome. It was a house we could raise a few babies in as well, while saving for our dream house. The one we’d already vowed to build together, once we found the perfect plot of land.

“You still want to go out tonight?” asked Adrian, looking me over. I was still bawling my eyes out, my makeup running down my cheeks. “We could always order room service, or—”

“Are you kidding?” I laughed. “And miss a sizzling night out on the town with my threehotnew fiancés?”

I spun free, thinking about what underwear I’d change into. Not that it mattered. Once we got back to the suite, it would probably be utterly obliterated.

“Give me ten minutes to re-do my makeup and we’re out of here!”

I ran off, happier than I’d ever been. I’d always known I would love being engaged. But right now, with these three guys?

Hell, I’d marry them tomorrow if I could.

“Wait…” I called excitedly from the next room. “Does this mean I get three engagement rings?”

Their total silence was golden, and I laughed inwardly as they struggled to answer. It was going to be a great night. No, a legendary night.

Three husbands.

The idea was no more daunting than making three boyfriends happy. And so far, I’d been doing a pretty fantastic job at that.

Three children.