My eyes glassed over a little. Especially as they all spoke in turn.

“Three amazing years,” added Warren. “With the most amazing girl in the world.”

He clinked glasses with me, as my gaze fell on Adrian. His eyes were glassy. I’d never see him this close to crying.

“These…” he hesitated, his voice thick, “… were hands down the best three years of my life.”

He looked at me, and I all but melted.

“I love you Kayla.”

“So do I,” said Warren.

“So fucking much,” Luke grinned.

Our glasses clinked, and before I knew it we were drinking together. I could barely get the bubbling liquid past my throat, though. I had so much to say.

“I… I’m so in love with you too!” I practically cried. “I mean, I never could’ve imagined. I’m the luckiest girl in the world! To have your friendship, your companionship, our history together — all of it, at once.”

I couldn’t help but look down. The moment was too overwhelming.

“And most importantly of all,” I said, raising my gaze again. “Your love…”

My speech ended abruptly when I realized something was being held out to me. It was a rectangular silver box, with a shimmering blue ribbon. My heart nearly stopped.

“This isn’t an engagement ring,” Warren spoke up, “but thisisan engagement.”

He handed me the box. The hand that took it trembled so violently, I could barely close my fingers.

“We want to marry you,” Adrian said next. “You’re already ours. Hell, you’vealwaysbeen ours…” His face broke into a beautiful smile. “But right now, we want more than anything to make you our wife.”

His hand closed over mine, steadying it. I was bawling. Crying…

“The three of us went ring shopping,” Luke began softly, “and we quickly learned one thing.”

I sniffed, drying my eyes as he stood there looking back at me. “And what’s that?” I croaked.

“That we really suck at it,” Luke smiled. “That’s why we thought you’d like to pick out yourownring. That we could take you ring shopping as many times as it takes, and you could find something exactly perfect.”

“Just like us,” Warren winked.

I was out of my mind by now. Totally overwhelmed by emotion, as Luke’s hand joined Warren’s in touching my wrist.

“Then w—what’s this?” I asked, still trembling. I held up the box.

“Open it and find out.”

In the end I couldn’t do it — they physically had to help me. Warren held my wrist steady while Luke pulled on the ribbon. Adrian carefully removed the lid, revealing a beautiful heart-shaped locket on a long silver chain.

I gasped and reached instantly for my own locket… and found nothing but my bare neck.

“Do you have any idea how hard it was to get this off you without you knowing?” Luke smiled.

Slowly I plucked out the locket and held it up by the chain. It was definitely mine. The same one from the time capsule.

“When you told us the story of how you dug this back up,” said Warren, “the three of us were touched. It’s a symbol of your past. An important piece of your history, in remembrance of your loved ones.”

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t see. My tears were streaming now, down both sides of my face.