I looked around one more time, taking in the surroundings. Then I raised my arms to leave. I leapt into the air, just like last time, expecting to fly away and soar out over the town again.

Instead, nothing happened.

Anger grew. Resentment followed. I tried again, and again after that, and very rapidly I found myself losing control.

“It’s a dream,” I said out loud. “It’s just a dream.”

I didn’t want it to bejusta dream. I wanted it to be my dream. My one fun chance at being totally all-powerful, at being able to—

My body shifted, and suddenly I was sideways in a world of blankets and pillows and flesh. Someone moaned. Someone else threw an arm over me — a big, heavy arm.

“What the—”

I sat up and almost hit my head on the ceiling! We were in the loft. We’d climbed up there after drinking the rest of the beers, then feeding the fire until the whole cabin was hot enough that we were all sweating.

Then we’d climbed into bed, the guys curling around me… and we’d all fallen fast asleep.


I felt strangely guilty at the disappointment, but Ireallywanted to continue lucid dreaming. Instead I was here, stretched naked between two hot men. A third one slumbered just on the other side, his back to us as his body rose and fell with deep, steady breaths.


I had Luke behind me. Warren in front. I thought about Warren, who’d swept me to the drive-in theater my first day here. Warren, who’d been both romanticandnostalgic. Warren, who’d shown me just what the old place looked like after all these—

Oh my God.

It struck me like a second epiphany, this one hitting me even harder than the first. Iknew.I knew it all. I couldseeit all, and it was all incredible and amazing and—


I shoved his broad back, even as Luke spooned me unconsciously from behind. I broke free of his grasp. I shoved Warren again.

“Warren, wake up!”

He stirred this time, mechanically flipping the pillow to the other side before twisting his body until he was facing my way.



“What are—”

“Wake up,” I hissed excitedly. “I want to tell you something!”

Finally intrigued, he batted his sleep-gummed eyes. Once, twice, three times he blinked, before his eyes finally focused upon me.

“Kayla,” he said again, this time with much more recognition. He looked concerned. “Kayla, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong at all,” I said, dismissing the thought quickly. “It’s just that… well…”

My eyes flared with excitement as I grabbed both sides of his stubbled face.

“I know exactly what we shoulddo…”
