Luke laughed. “You think?”

Together we ate outside on the deck. Kicking back in a couple of wooden benches that Luke explained he’d also built, after he and Warren put the finishing touches on the cabin. Adrian seemed wholly impressed. He’d seen what Luke could do in fixing up his father’s old place, but this was something entirely different.

It was still warm, even after the sun had set. Even after the darkness had swallowed the forest surrounding the little cabin, leaving us blessedly divorced from the rest of the world. The lake itself was quiet, the waters just beyond the deck lit up in a semi-circle by one of the outside lights. Steam rose from the surface, indicating the water temperature itself was higher than the outside temperature.

All of a sudden I had an idea. I stood up.

“Dare me?” I asked, peeling my shirt over my head.

Luke’s eyes went wide. Warren and Adrian’s arms both froze mid-motion, halfway between their latest sip.

“Yeah,” Adrian said. “We do.”

I threw my shirt to the ground and unhooked my bra. That followed, the cool night air immediately stippling my areolae as my bare chest was proudly exposed.

“You’re not really going to—”

I undid my jeans and shimmied them down over my hips, then stepped out of them. I was naked now, except for my thong. I’d even kicked my shoes off.

The guys were absolutely dumbstruck.

“Who’s coming with?” I asked, turning toward the lake.

No one answered. Adrian, ogling my body shamelessly, finally made a downward wagging motion with his finger. “Underwear too?”

I shrugged a shoulder playfully. “Maybe.” Walking down the deck’s back steps, I sprinted the rest of the distance and jumped into the lake.

Oh my GOD!

The water felt cool at first, but not nearly as bad as I thought. By the time I surfaced, it was already pretty warm.

“Or maybe…”

I dove abruptly back under and did a somersault, twisting my body to accomplish my goal. By the time I came up again, I was holding my thong high over my head.

“One of you should come get them.”



We swam for more than an hour, floating in the warmth of the nighttime lake. Using our boxers as swimsuits we stretched out beneath the nighttime sky, which for once was clear, showing the stars.

Kayla swam naked, and we took turns passing the warmth of her body between us. She wrapped her legs around our waists, kissing and giggling at us the whole time. When we weren’t grabbing or tickling her, we were locked in steamy makeout sessions with our beautiful shared girlfriend. When she wasn’t grinding her hot little ass against the knot between our legs, we’d wrap our arms around her from behind and stare up at the constellations.

We talked about life in general — mostly of things we’d done while we were away from North Glade. In that respect there was a lot to say. Countless stories that needed to be told, if we were to properly fill each other in on the blank stretches in our lives.

We spoke about our future too, and that was my favorite conversation of all. Because no matter how bad things looked or what struggles lay ahead, it wasn’t just Luke and I anymore. It was all four of us, throwing in together. Succeed or fail, we’d already pledged to hook each other’s wagons to a single, shining star.

And I had no doubt we would succeed.

Eventually the chill of night began seeping into our bones. We watched Kayla exit the water first. The gorgeous curve of her beautifully-rounded ass glistened wetly as she climbed the stairs back to the deck of the cabin.

“I could look at that all day,” Luke said, half in a daze. “In fact…”

He swam after her and climbed out, sprinting nimbly to join her inside. Through the big glass windows, we could see the flicker of the fire. I only hoped it was warm enough.
