The days were busy, with the guys working overtime to catch up on work at the garage. The nights were even busier. We occupied them with making plans for our future; to figure out what to do about the potential eviction while looking for new property in case we did have to move.

With the rest of our limited time at home we tried to relax, although that wasn’t always easy. With everything hanging over our heads, relaxation took a back seat to eternal worry. The guys were tense all over; I could feel it in their muscles, I could read it in their body language. Although always exhausted, they usually went to bed still full of pent up emotion and raw physical energy.

Lucky for them, they hadme.

I learned very quickly that the only thing better than being the center of my boyfriends’ attention was being their shared outlet for emotional, physical, and sexual release. I was always naked, constantly writhing in someone’s bed. When I wasn’t trapped beneath the unchecked power of a surging, pumping body, I was mounting and screwing each of them into better moods, one by one by one. There were a lot of massages, too. Massages that turned into other stuff.

In short, I kept my boyfriends happy and satisfied. Drained to the point of screaming euphoria and total depletion followed by warm, blissful slumber. That’s not to say I didn’t take pleasures of my own, because I sure as hell did. The more they gave me the more my body seemed to crave them, untilIwas the one blowing them hard in the wee hours of the morning only to climb on board and ride them to my own screaming, thrashing climax.

As the week ended I was surprised to find a pair of young kids at the garage’s reception desk, fresh-faced and just out of high school. A boy and a girl, they looked shockingly similar, almost like twins. Almost like—


The boy blinked, then turned my way. His smile was all Warren’s. The rest of the face belonged to a ten-year-old I once helped with a science project, all the way back during my senior year.

“And Allison, is that you?” His slightly younger sister reached out her arms to hug me tightly. The last time she’d done this, she’d only come up to my waist. “Oh my God!”

The two were barely still teenagers. According to my conversations with Warren they were in the first and second years of college, with Allison studying to be an engineer and David taking anatomy classes, his eventual major still undecided.

“We had a few days off so we drove home,” David told me, looking me up and down. “Wow, Kayla! Haven’t seen you since…”

“I know,” I smiled. “It’s been a while. How’s your mom?”

The question caused the two siblings to look at each other. Their expressions became hesitant.

“Good,” David said quickly, adding a small shrug. “She’s okay.”

“Wonderful,” I smiled. “Tell her I said—”

“Don’t tell her anything,” Warren interrupted, bounding in from one of the work bays. He threw an arm around each of his younger siblings and squeezed them in a very older-brotherly way. “I’ll fill her in on Kayla, here. She’d only be confused.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Confused?”

Now all three of them exchanged a glance. Thankfully, it was Allison who finally spoke up. “You didn’t tell her?”

“Tell me what?”

Warren shook his head. “I haven’t gotten the chance to.”

I frowned, wondering what was so important I should’ve probably been filled in by now. We’d been busy, yes, but there had been plenty of time for Warren to tell me anything he needed to. Instead, whenever I asked about his family I’d gotten a very vanilla “everybody’s fine” version of events.

“Mom’s deteriorating,” Allison said flatly. “Alzheimer’s. Most days she’s not really there.”

I gasped, slapping a hand over my mouth. Half of me felt shitty for not knowing any of this. The other half was angry at Warren for not telling me.

“It came on pretty fast,” Warren said in his own defense. “I was going to tell you, but I hadn’t found the right moment yet. With everything else going on, I didn’t want to overwhelm you with—”

“Overwhelm me?” I cried. “Warren this is yourmother!How could you not…”

A hand found its way to my shoulder. When I looked over, I saw it belong to David — once a boy, now a man.

“Don’t blame him,” he said gently. “He’s been dealing with a lot, for a long time. Our brother’s been nothing but awesome.”

I could see the pain in his eyes — far too much pain for a kid so young. Allison had it too. The specter of sorrow lurking just beneath her happy, bubbly surface.

“No, she’s right,” Warren stepped in. “I should’ve told her.”