“Ugh,” Warren scowled. “Tabasco green pepper sauce?” He shook his head disappointedly. “It tastes like battery acid.”

“All of it tastes like battery acid,” I laughed. “Just different types of battery acid.”

Warren looked at the green labeled bottle and shook it. “You haven’t even had this one, have you?”

“No,” I admitted with a smile. “But it ends the argument, so…”

I’d barely touched my bacon and eggs. Partly because of the knot in my stomach, and partly because I had order envy. Adrian’s pancakes looked amazing right about now. Silently I debated the age-old tactic of pointing out the window and then stealing one.

“Fine, I’m gonna try this crap,” said Warren, spinning the top off the green-labeled bottle. “I’m gonna give it an honest shot, but if it doesn’t live up to—”

“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” I asked abruptly.

Silence. Awkward, uncomfortable silence.

My shoulders grew tighter with each passing second.

“What elephant?” asked Luke.

“The one from last night, when all three of you fucked the living daylights out of me?”

If the other silence was awkward, this one was downright cringe-worthy. It stretched on twice as long, too.

“If I remember it right,” Adrian finally chimed in, “you did some of the fucking yourself.”

“Alotof the fucking,” Warren agreed. “More than your fair share of it, actually.”

“Yeah, well I was outnumbered,” I countered quickly. “And out-gunned.”

“Are you saying you regret—”

“No, no! I don’t regret anything!” My exclamation stopped Luke in his tracks. “Ilovedlast night. I just… I mean…”

The guys were looking at me now, with an innocent curiosity. It would’ve been funny if it weren’t such a crazy situation.

“I mean we do allthat,” I swung an arm behind us. “What we did back there? But then we wake up, and no one says anything? We all just take showers, like nothing happened…”

“Well showers were necessary,” Warren lamented.

“… and then you all just take me out tobreakfast?”

“We always have breakfast here,” Luke said defensively. “Been doing it since high school. It’s our place, remember?”

“Yes, but—”

“What she means is we don’t usually take her out to breakfast,” Adrian leaned in, his voice going low, “after having three-on-one marathon sex with her all night.”

“Yes, finally,” I nodded. “Someone gets it.”

“Oh we get it,” Warren said, munching a strip of extra-crispy bacon. “Or rather… we got it.”

He looked back at me, his handsome face set off by his gorgeous brown eyes. It was throwing me off my game.

“Did youwantto talk about it?”

I swallowed hard, setting my coffee down. “Well… yes.”

The guys dropped their forks and looked at me expectantly. Normally I was relaxed under their scrutiny. Now, I could feel the blood rushing to my face.