“And what about you, surfer girl?” asked Warren.

“Me?” I shrugged. “I’m good.”

“This is going to throw a wrench into your plans to buy Emmett’s place,” said Luke. “Actually, it’ll wipe out your savings.”

“Then I’ll start some new savings,” I shrugged. “It’s not the end of the world.”

The guys looked back at me with eyes that were full of happiness and pride. Their scrutiny made me warm and flush.

“Besides,” I added, “it’ll be worth it in the long run. Once we get the ball rolling? Between the four of us—”

I stopped because Warren had abruptly taken me into his arms. He kissed me until I was breathless, then passed me to the others who kissed me too. By the time they finished I was weak-kneed and tingling all over, my heart thundering away, deep in my chest.

If this was going to be a common, everyday thing, I might need a pacemaker.

“Alright,” Luke sighed finally. He held up the five-page contract and shook it. “So we all agree on what we’re about to—”

Just then came the sound of footfalls on the staircase. We turned, and I was looking at the same middle-aged man I’d only seen in photos. I recognized him immediately as Adrian’s father.

“Ah, so there she is.”

He was looking at me and smiling. He walked over and extended his hand.

“Hi,” I said awkwardly

“You going to introduce me to your girlfriend,” he told Adrian. “Or…”

“I’m Kayla,” I smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

“Sammy. Likewise.”

Adrian looked awkward, like he’d been caught with his hand in a cookie jar. “I ummm… I never actually said she was my girlfriend.”

“Well is she?” he asked. “These last few days, you sure as hell never stopped talking about her.”

Now everyone turned in his direction, Warren and Luke included. Adrian actually blushed.

“Yeah,” asked Warren slyly. “Is she?”

We were all smiling now, taking pleasure at his discomfort. For half a second he looked pissed.

“Tell me what happened last night, dad.”

Changing the subject was something Adrian was the master at. In the past, he’d done it every single time I’d tried bringing up our relationship. Or rather, the friends-with-benefits arrangement we used to have.

“Well Ididtell you guys I was going over there,” his father replied matter of factly.

My eyes widened. The guys stood there silently, not sure what to say.

“What did you think I was going to do? Hold the place up?”

The silence thickened. The man laughed.

“Too soon?” he smiled.

“Maybe a little, yeah,” Adrian shot back.

“Nah,” he waved him away. “I’m all through with that bullshit. You know, that right son?”