“I can and I will,” I replied carefully. “But tonight I’m going to keep Adrian company.” Slowly I raised an eyebrow. “If that’s all within the scope of the rules, of course.”

I was testing the waters. Seeing if there was a limit to the amount of sharing they were willing to endure. I shouldn’t have worried. Luke glanced at Warren and slowly smiled.

“Of course it’s alright,” he replied finally. He added a wink. “We’ll get you another night.”

“I have no doubt you will,” I smiled back.

“Just be careful,” Warren said, more to Adrian than to me. “While you’re keeping an eye out, don’t do anything stupid. And make sure you take care of her.”

“Yes dad,” Adrian quipped sardonically. He pointed to the worn set of stairs leading up to the office. “Can we go to the prom now?”

It was getting late, and it had already been a long day. The guys had spent a good amount of time detailing the events leading up to the vandalism and theft of their property, and before that we’d talked more about what to expect between us. Basically the ground rules for our strange but exciting new arrangement.

Surprisingly, the best part was that there were no rules.

This seemed counterproductive at first, but the more we discussed it the more it could lead to jealousy or leaving someone out. Rules were exclusive. Our relationship was to beinclusive, meaning that anything went for anyone at any given time.

“If you’re our girlfriend,” Luke had put it simply, “you’re always our girlfriend. No matter where you are or who you’re with, the others are always invited.”

“So… lots of double dates?” I’d asked excitedly.

“Double dates, triple dates…” he’d smiled. “Nothing’s off limits.”

I’d grinned as he put things in perspective using my own words. It was all the better, though. The last thing I wanted to do was leave anyone out. I wanted all of them, all of the time.

Shit, when you put it that way it sounded pretty greedy.

Warren and Luke left for the night after giving me spectacular kisses goodbye, in full view of Adrian and each other. Hands roamed my body from in front and behind. Hands that turned into trailing fingers, leaving me tingling and breathless.

Oh I coulddefinitelyget used to something like this…

They locked the door behind them, and a minute later Adrian and I were upstairs exploring the office. The large windows of the second floor gave a three-quarter view of the front gate and surrounding lot, with the last section open to the garage floor for maximum supervision. A worn yellow railing separated the two inner areas.

“You’ve been up here before, eh?” asked Adrian.

“Yes,” I admitted. “Way back when I dated Warren.”

I pointed to an old desk in the far corner. “Tommy used to let me do my homework there, while waiting for Warren to get off.”

He nodded appreciatively. “Tommy was a good guy.”

We raided the closet first, which Luke told us contained a couple of blankets and maybe a pillow. After making up the big old couch, we moved to the windows and looked out over the rain-soaked yard.

“I still can’t believe they’re partners,” I breathed. “That they own this place together.”

“Yeah,” Adrian agreed. “Seemed unlikely for a while.”

“And that was my fault.”

“Not really,” he answered. “High school relationships rarely last forever. People break up. They date other people. It’s not exactly a crime.”

“It is when you date your boyfriend’s best friend.”

We stood in silence for a while, taking it all in. Beyond the rain-slick windows the yard was nothing but moonlight and shadows. No sign of movement. No sign of anything.

I looked at Adrian, who was staring trance-like into the distance. He’d peeled his clothing down to a very tight T-shirt, one that showed off a panty-dropping array of tattoos crawling up and down both arms. Slowly I moved next to him, then gingerly took his hand. He never turned, never moved, but his fingers somehow interlaced with mine.

“Want to talk about it?” I asked softly.