Looking at him, I could feel my throat constricting. My eyes glazing over.

“I came here so much,” he said, “I finally went ahead and bought this special spot. Then I built this place with my own two hands, so I’d always have it.”

A rush of shock washed over me. He was staring down at me now with pure adulation. With adoration.

With love.

“Y—You reallybuiltthis place?” I swore disbelievingly.

“Yes,” he nodded softly. “I built this place foryou, Kayla.”

His fingers squeezed mine gently. His face drifted inexorably downward, even as mine drifted up.

“I built this place forus.”



She kissed me, sliding her body perfectly into mine. Pressing those incredible lips against mine for the first time in almost a decade, as her mouth opened and her tongue probed and she let loose the most adorable little sigh.


It was ten times better than I remembered it. And I’d remembered it being quite fucking amazing, actually.

Don’t screw this up, Luke.

I forced myself to relax, to take things slow. To savor the feel and taste of her after all this time, as I inhaled her wonderful fragrance while kissing her back.


Kayla smelled like vanilla, and tasted like coffee. Her tongue danced with mine as I crushed her against me, kissing her so deeply my heart hurt. After a minute or so I let my hands glide behind her, sliding along her slender back. Reaching all the way down to cup her from behind — to hold her, once again, in my two eager arms.

For years I’d imagined this moment. After what happened between Warren and I, things had been fragile. Our friendship seemed almost irreconcilable, until we’d agreed upon something stupid: we’d both leave town. We both mutually agreed to go our own way — to leave things alone for a while, as we explored college and beyond.

And in doing that I’d losther.

In retrospect it was the stupidest thing I’d ever done, letting Kayla go. Putting my own needs ahead of hers at a time when she truly loved me. I’d felt crushing guilt, though. A sense of chaos that our little group was fragmenting and breaking apart, and I might lose everyone at once.

Right now none of that mattered. Kayla was here, in the hot pink flesh. And for the moment at least, she wasmine.

We kissed for what seemed like forever, and yet it wasn’t nearly long enough. Eventually my senses became overloaded. My body practically vibrated with need for her, and suddenly she was pulling back and looking into my eyes.


She pulled me backwards, and into the cabin. Wordlessly, without hesitation, she led me up the ladder and into the loft.

Holy shit…

We stripped each other, taking our time. Kissing every inch of exposed skin, as the warm sun filtered through the loft’s triangular upper windows. I slept here often, stretched out across the soft down comforter and bedding I’d dragged from home. Now it was Kayla stretched beautifully across that bedding, pulling me down against her nakedness while looking me up and down with admiring eyes.

“Jesus, Luke…”

She was running her hands over my stomach, her fingertips slowly playing with every peak and valley of my abdominals.

“I swim in the lake a lot.”

Her fingers lingered, as she shook her head in disbelief. “Do you do sit-ups in the lake, too?” she quipped.