It had worked once before — asking them questions. In the heat of the moment Maverick had accidentally answered me without thinking, and it had been the funniest thing in the world.

Right now however, my mystery lover gave no reply. He only crossed the room, grabbed my by the ass, and began kneading and rubbing it in his big, beautiful hands. All while the vibrating egg continued thrumming rhythmically, just inside me.


I purred throatily, squirming even deeper into the sheets. Then suddenly my thong or G-string was yanked to one side, and I felt the wonderfully familiar presence of warm oil being drizzled all over my bare behind.

“So it’s gonna bethatkind of night, is it?” I sighed softly.

The guys had done all sorts of fun and amazing things to me during these blindfold sessions. They’d used distractions like ice cubes and spanking paddles, even candle wax — which really rode the knife’s edge between pleasure and pain — to keep me from knowing which one of them was screwing me at the time. I always looked forward to their innovations, even as I fought hard to determine the order in which these insanely hot men drained themselves inside me.

And they wereallcoming inside me. Because yes, they were trying to get me pregnant again.

God, that’s hot.

No sooner had I spoken than a finger began probing me back there. After rubbing along the puckered surface for a while, getting it all warmed up, it entered my tight little hole for a scandalous inch or two.


I bucked forward a little, and the finger followed. When it had me pinned tightly to the sheets it pushed even further inside, giving me those exquisitely naughty shivers I always felt when one or more of them took me in the ass.

Expecting him to climb onto the bed and replace his finger with something far more substantial, I screwed my fists into the sheets. And that’s when I felt the distinctly familiar feel of a smooth glass plug being pushed into my ass.


It wasn’t a big one, but I could tell it wasn’t small either. Maybe it was new. Having three different horny boyfriends, I’d accrued quite the collection of toys over the past year of being their shared woman.

The plug snapped snugly into place, giving me that wonderfully full feeling back there. Whoever was behind me thumped it a few times, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body that reverberated off the bullet-shaped egg. And then he removed the little egg, leaving me momentarily numb, before finally climbing onto the bed and buying his face into my pussy from behind.


I was torn between rolling my blindfolded eyes back and enjoying it, or trying to feel by the stubble around his mouth who was devouring me so expertly. All three of my SEALs were equally amazing at going down on me. But one of them — Devyn — had a tongue that delved a little deeper than the others. I couldn’t tell though. I was too distracted by the rush of heat from the warming oil, which was still being massaged into my ass by two calloused palms and ten spirited fingers.

“If you’re Gage, squeeze once,” I teased. “Or squeeze twice if you’re Maverick.”

The man behind me didn’t change course. He continued kissing and nibbling my outer folds, while gliding his tongue up and down along my warm, wet entrance.

“Fine, Devyn it is then,” I quipped.

A moment later I was pulled backwards and over to the very edge of the bed. Two hands settled over my hips, and I was pierced to the core by a thick, throbbing shaft.


Warm euphoria flooded its way through my sex-addled brain. Being penetrated so deeply, so thoroughly — it felt like scratching a long-ignored itch. The man behind me began pumping away, fucking me hard with long, deep strokes that told me he was just as desperate to come as I was.

“Now we’re talking,” I purred into the sheets.

My hands still helplessly bound, I thrust my ass into the air again. My head was sideways, my hair hanging down over my face. My left cheek rocked back and forth against the sheets as whoever was behind me took complete control over my hips, my ass, my oil-soaked essence. They plowed me over and over without stopping, driving me to the brink of an unstoppable climax and straight through to the other side.

Thank GOD!

And then I was coming, squeezing myself around him. Milking him with my insides until I felt him go off inside me.

“Give it to me, Devyn…” I breathed, sexily. “Dump it in.”

Devyn or not, whoever it was went off like a volcano, splashing their magma against my insides while squeezing my hips tightly with both hands. It was another tell, maybe. Another little piece of information I could use at the end, when the blindfold came off and all three of them stood over me, grinning, daring me to guess who was who.