“Because Iloveyou Aric,” I told him. “You’re the third brother I never had, and the only one I actuallybondedwith. I could never truly relate to that type of connection before, but I can now. More than ever.”

My assistant gulped, took a step back, and actually leaned against my desk for support.

“And I also know that people like you only come along once in a lifetime.”

Now he did bear-hug me, being careful not to squash my pregnant belly. His big arms squeezed and squeezed, while I felt warm tears dripping down from both sides of his face.

When I could breathe again, I let out a chuckle. “Easy there, big guy.”

I patted him on the back for a while, until he finally let go. Then we sat down, and I told him the gist of it. We made arrangements to have lunch, where I’d give him the specs of the new place and fill him in on all the finer details between Robert Valentine and I. When he finally rose and made for the door, I cleared my throat.

“Oh, and Aric?”


I twirled one finger in a slow circle. “You might wanna get rid of all this glass.”

My assistant’s eyes widened in genuine excitement.“Really?”

“Oh yeah,” I grinned. “It’s like living in a fishbowl.”



Days. Weeks. Months.

Time either flew or it crawled, depending upon what we were doing and where we were. Being with the guys though, it always seemed like one or the other. For some odd reason, there never seemed to be an in-between.

I moved in straightaway, and together we turned the beautiful house in the desert into a full-fledged home. It was amazing, having them all there at once. Devyn, Maverick, and Gage were attentive and adorable, both with me and our ever-growing unborn child. As my belly got bigger they tagged along to every doctor’s visit, every sonogram. They also jumped through hoops to fulfill my every need, even when I didn’t want them to, until I was shooing them away just so I could head out to the office and get some work done.

And there was ahellof a lot work to do.

Shameless West opened without fanfare and went straight to work, building a client base all its own without siphoning too many resources from the New York office. Aric of course was an absolute godsend. He took care of everything over there as I knew he would, plus he took on tasks remotely that helped make our launch go smoother than a dolphin’s ass.

I tried not to recruit too many people from there, but in the beginning I needed them. And they came, one by one, sometimes for weeks and months, other times permanently. Aric razzed me for some of that and pretended to curse me out, but I knew in at least some instances he was pushing and prodding those people to come help out, even offering extra money and a good chunk of his own bonus to get them out there. I appreciated the help without admitting it, while pretending he could spare more. It was all part of the little game we played. It worked for us, and it always would.

Eventually I had to spill my pregnancy to my parents and siblings, who were shocked, elated, astonished, and then angry, all in that order. After running through the full gamut of emotions however, they ended up thrilled for me in the end. Even if they couldn’t understand why I’d use a sperm bank to get pregnant in the middle of opening a new branch of my business while simultaneously moving most of the way across the country.

But hey, considering they already thought I was an insane workaholic that part wasn’t all that surprising.

The real confusion came when I flew mom and Mariah out to visit, and gave them a tour of the house I was ‘sharing’ with three incredibly ripped and handsome roommates who just happened to be military. My sister left drooling over shoulders and arms and impossibly broad chests, but my mother — always the savvy one — gave me a distinctly insinuating look before she left. It was the kind of look that told me:I know you’re with one of them.

For now at least, she could think that all she wanted.

Devyn and Maverick were surprisingly busy, and even Gage to a lesser extent. Although no longer active for combat duty in the SEALs program, they had a vast wealth of knowledge that was still incredibly valuable. The three of them accepted all kinds of training assignments that took them to Great Lakes, Illinois for BUDS school, and back to San Diego for land warfare training. When they weren’t in Norfolk they were in Jacksonville, or Corpus Christi, or way out at Pearl Harbor-Hickam.

And when they weren’t at any of those places, they were home here with me.

The best part of being the center of attention for three gorgeous men was that I always had someone to come home to. I had one, two, sometimes all three of them wrapping their strong arms around me at the end of the day. There was always motion, always excitement, always stories to tell. And just as they passed in and out of the house… they were in and out of my bedroom, as well.

That part was the greatest, most intense part of being together. The guys shared me in the most dripping hot ways, emotionally and physically, leaving me spent and satiated, but always wanting more. I loved taking them on together, letting them possess me and fuck me and sandwich my body between theirs. I also found that being pregnant turned out to be the horniest time in my entire life. Or maybe it was just the fact that I was screwing three guys at once, jumping them at will. Getting bent over or shoved backward or devoured mercilessly until I came, screaming… all while the others watched, waiting their turn.

My pregnant belly seemed to turn them on as well, and the bigger it got the more eager they were to pin me down and ravage me. They were adorably careful, though. As the months went by I began missing the roughness, the speed, the frenzied desperation. But I knew all that would eventually come back. They’d even whispered such things into my ear, while sawing my body back and forth between them.

Once I’d delivered, it would open season all over again.

It was the week before I was due when Legendary Gaming finally came crawling back to us. Robert Valentine even flew out to deliver the good news himself. I showed him the finished space, then sat down with him to go over new projects and divide them between Aric and I based on which office best suited their needs. By the time he flew home we’d nearly quadrupled our revenue. He’d also brought me the softest, most incredible zombie baby-blanket on the planet as a gift. Hell, maybe theonlyzombie baby-blanket on the planet.