I laughed, and the laughter felt so good I couldn’t stop. We both ended up laughing long enough for me to dry my tears, although the front of Aric’s shirt was still wet with them.

Eventually we fell silent, just staring at each other. Through his dark-framed glasses, Aric’s eyes seized mine.

“You know we’re going to get through all this,” he said softly. He twirled one long finger in a circle. “That Shameless is going to be totally alright?”

I sniffed. I nodded.

“Good. Because I need you focused,” said Aric. “I need youmean. I need the old, merciless Juliana — the one who won’t take no for an answer. The one who kicks ass without even taking names, because taking names is for losers.”

My eyes went glassy. In this moment, I never admired him more.

“You’ve got her,” I said sternly. “I promise.”

He stared at me for another long second or two, then nodded firmly. When he finally let go of me, he pointed to the pile of gifts in the corner.

“Might want to get someone to take this stuff out of here,” my assistant grinned. “Before everyone thinks we’re opening a baby nursery.”



I woke the next morning refreshed and re-energized, and ready to take on the world. And for the next twelve hours Ididtake on the world, which left me breathless and happy and somewhat exhausted, at least mentally, by the time I’d finally returned home.

It was Friday, and I usually rewarded myself with a few drinks at the bar on the corner of my block. Since that wasn’t currently an option, I’d let my recent Fridays be motivated by food, instead.

My indecision had me stopping before my building, in the middle of the sidewalk. I was so famished I could eat right now. I could head north, to the Greek place along third avenue. Or one block west, to Lexington, where they had the most delicious—

“Hey beautiful.”

I whirled, ready to serve up my most sarcastic retort. But instead of a stranger, I was staring into the face of familiarity.

“Oh my GOD!”

I rushed forward, throwing my arms around Maverick so quickly it didn’t even matter how he got there. I was just so happy to see him. Surprise and shock and explanation — all those things could be figured out later. Right now the only thing that mattered was the feel of his two incredible arms wrapped tightly around me.

“You’rehere…” I breathed.

“Sure am.”

He wasn’t wearing a uniform, or his fatigues, or anything remotely military. He wore jeans and black boots. A forest green shirt with a black leather jacket.

“You coming back from somewhere?” I asked. “Like Devyn was, or—”

“No,” said Maverick. “I came here for you.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, then realized he’d been camping out in front of my building. I don’t know how long he’d been standing here, waiting for me. I just knew I was happy and grateful.

“You hungry?” I asked.


I slipped my hand into his. “Let’s go. I know a place.”

For the next two blocks we walked in happy silence, holding hands like a couple. It felt good. Beyond good, really. The further we walked, the more excited I got.

“Italian?” I asked, pointing up at the awning.

“You’re the boss,” Maverick smiled.