He thrust into me again and again, still moving with rhythmic slowness. I could feel his glutes coiling and uncoiling beneath my trembling hand. Like some sleepy beast, flexing and unflexing as it shifted position.

“Are you… upset that…”

“No,” he said immediately, shaking his head. “Gage, Maverick… these men are mybrothers. There’s nothing in the world that could ever come between us.” He paused for a moment, considering. “And there’s nothing in the world we wouldn’tshare.”

With that he kissed me again, his tongue dancing hotly alongside mine as his hips rammed forward. He went so deep I gasped, accidentally biting his lip. But Devyn just smiled and kissed me some more, his incredible ass clenching and unclenching as he continued pumping away. His long, thick shaft stretching me wonderfully as it pumped in and out of me, while his hard, corded body surged forward and back.


The word sent a bolt of exhilaration through me, head to toe. It was such a simple word, a short word. But a word that held such complex meaning.

Nothing in the world we wouldn’t share.

That Gage and Maverick had shared me, there was zero doubt. But now Devyn wanted me too. Apparently he wanted me in ways that had silently tormented him over the past week, especially having learned that his roommates and brothers-in-arms had already taken me in his stead.

But it hadn’t changed anything for him. If anything, maybe he wanted me even more. Maybe knowing I’d been so free with his comrades had given him license to stop in New York and pursue me like this. Or maybe he’d sensed upon meeting me just how much I’d been obsessed with having him, and because of this he’d wanted it too.

I kissed him even harder, more hungrily, as I ran these things through my mind. Being shared by these men was utterly thrilling, in the most edgy of ways. It was societally forbidden. Expressly taboo. It was hot and sexy and oh soveryfucking naughty, and it made my stomach do hot little backflips whenever I thought about the near endless possibilities.

But fuck… I wanted it anyway.

Bucking my hips I pushed Devyn upward and then onto his back, where I mounted him by slinging one warm leg over his waist. With a slight lift of my body I sank down on him. The feel of him parting me from within was exquisite, but it was nothing compared to when my ass met his abdomen and he was fully, completely inside me.


I wanted to stay like that forever. To remain perched there over his ridiculously-hard body, letting him marinate inside me. I spread my hands over his perfect abdomen, giving my fingertips free rein to explore every ridge of his hard, well-earned six-pack. Then, locking eyes with him again, I began rocking forward and back.

Our movements became slow and dreamy. Soaked with euphoria. There was no hurry, no rush. No frenzied coming together of our bodies that would eventually build to a violent climax. Instead we rocked together, grinding deeply against each other. It felt like our souls were connected. And there was a warmth and comfort — a familiarity even — as we became lost in each other’s eyes.

I don’t know how long we went on like that. All I know is that we screwed slowly, comfortably, eventually holding hands and interlacing our fingers for leverage as each of us drew closer to the edge of oblivion. There was a lot of touching, a lot of kissing. And then suddenly Devyn was stiffening beneath me, his starfire blue eyes posing a question that only I could answer.


I smiled the word down at him, just before he let loose. It was all he’d been waiting for. All he needed to finally let go.

And then he was flooding me, filling me from within. Surging and pumping and throbbing inside me, until I could feel the warm splash of his hot seed so very far up near the deepest part of my essence.


Devyn grunted and groaned, his body suddenly turning hard as a granite statue. I rode him to my own climax, which was slow and tremendous. It triggered while he was still draining himself inside me, and somehow I was coherent enough to reach back and give his balls a gentle, rolling squeeze.

Our bodies kept writhing for a long time afterward, until the aftershocks of our pleasure finally subsided. When they did I was leaning back against Devyn’s thighs, a look of total satisfaction painted across my face.

“We’re doing that again,” I breathed wickedly, adding a wink. “And again after that.”

My lover smiled. “There’s going to be nothing left for tomorrow,” he complained. “You’re going to drain me completely.”


“So… remember?” he urged. “I’m supposed to make a deposit?”

Pushing off, I bent all the way forward until my body was molded against his. I giggled into his mouth, kissing him playfully.

“If you can’t produce, you can’t produce,” I teased with a shrug. “Just one more reason for you to come back to New York.”
