The bulge surged powerfully beneath my touch, moving like it had a mind of its own. I squeezed gently, trying not to gasp at the sheer size of the warm mass beneath my palm. I didn’t know how he managed to keep it all in there, but I knew one thing for sure:

It was going to make me very,veryhappy.

As Devyn stood frozen I took another sip of whiskey. Maybe for courage. Maybe because the taste reminded me of the inside of his sweet, beautiful mouth.

“You’re absolutely sure?” he whispered. “You really want this?”

In answer I set my drink down and kissed him again; hotly, wetly, letting my hair cascade forward on either side of us. Our churning mouths became one. The fingertips of my free hand traced the back of his neck, as my jaw rotated slowly and sensuously against his.

Then I hopped from the bar and dropped straight to my knees.

“Talk is cheap,” I said, looking up his magnificent body and into his eyes. “In a situation this intense, talk is meaningless.”

My hands found the elastic waistband of his ever-tightening boxers. Deftly, my fingers rolled the warm fabric down his magnificent thighs.

“Let meshowyou.”



The room spun dizzily as Juliana went down on me, my mind soaring through warmth and pleasure and space. I let my body relax as my head lolled back, my fingers wandering aimlessly through tons of soft, fragrant hair.


It had taken a week to get home. A whole week and forever. I should’ve been laser-focused on the mission, totally dedicated to the task at hand. For once though, that hadn’t been the case. For the first time ever, the distractions of home had made me careless. Quite possibly even leading to the wounds on my face.

And that’s because the entire time, I’d been thinking abouther.

No,I assured myself silently.The charges going off prematurely had nothing to do with her.

The Bayandor-class corvette hadn’t sunk, but in the end that wasn’t the goal. I’d blown a big enough hole in the hull to distract the entire harbor, and the resulting raid at the Bandar-e Abbas safehouse had been wildly successful. All six HVT’s had been rescued without incident or injury. Minus the scratches on my face of course, or my Chief Warrant Officer’s blown-out eardrums.

Thankfully Langston was healing nicely, and the scratches I received wouldn’t even leave scars. I was on my way home before I knew it, and learning via sat-phone of theveryinteresting week my roommates had had.


Right now Juliana’s mouth felt nothing short of amazing, as she dragged her beautiful lips up and down the full length of my shaft. She looked incredibly sexy on her knees. The mess of hair I kept pulling back so I could watch her pretty face felt like spun silk in my eager hands.

But yes, I’d been jealous of the week she’d spent with Maverick and Gage. Not jealous that they’d slept with her, because under the circumstances how could I possibly blame them?

No, I was more jealous that it hadn’t beenme.

The more I learned of Juliana the more I loved about her. And yes, my roommates had told me a good many things. She was intelligent and passionate; fiercely competitive almost to a fault. But she was sweet, too. Caring and affectionate and family-focused.

And beautiful. Oh myGod, she was so very, very beautiful.

To be honest I’d made my decision even before I’d taken her out to lunch: that yes, of course I would help her conceive a child. We had too many things in common, too many like-minded goals. My past donation to the sperm bank wasn’t something I’d thought about or even considered, but right now I was wholly and completely on board with giving this woman the baby she wanted.

I’d just wanted to spend a little more time with her, that was all.

And now here she was, finally in my arms. Rolling my balls expertly in the palm of her hot little hand, while taking me past those kissable lips and deep down her lovely throat.

I let her go on for a while, enjoying the fruits of her talented mouth. Tattooing the memory of this beautiful woman — the one who’d dropped so eagerly to her knees — on the surface of my brain.

Eventually I lifted her into my arms and cradled her against my chest. Her mouth was wet, her lips swollen with her efforts. I kissed those lips tenderly as I walked her across the suite and over to the bed, then spread her out across the sheets.
