We drank, and it was a hell of a thing to drink to. Especially with the innocuous-looking amber liquid now burning a hole in my stomach, having traveled down the full length of my throat.

“What’s wrong?”

The burning subsided slowly, and the flavor profile began. I could taste the sweetness of honey, the muskiness of peat. The liquid was pungent and smoky, yet surprisingly good.

“Nothing at all,” I told him. “I guess I just feel… overdressed.”

Locking me away in his sapphire eyes, Devyn took a long pull from his drink before setting it down. He was so handsome it was intimidating. So dominating and gorgeous, it left me breathless.

“Maybe we should fix that.”

He moved closer, and with each step I could feel my heart beating faster. I felt uncharacteristically helpless all of a sudden. After a lifetime of being the predator, I actually felt like the prey.

“Here, let me help.”

His arms folded around me, unzipping the top of my dress. He brought it down to mid-back, then stopped and pulled the arms downward, laying my shoulders bare.

“You’reridiculouslybeautiful,” he murmured, planting a soft, brief kiss on one side of my exposed neck. “You know that?”

There was no time to agree or disagree. A moment later his hands slid under my ass, his two big arms flexing like hydraulic pistons. They lifted me high into the air, easily depositing me right on the surface of the bar itself.

Our faces were so close our noses were touching. Devyn nuzzled me like that for a moment, enjoying the intimacy. I was dying to kiss him. Desperate to feel my tongue against his, but somehow, in some way, I was able to hold back.

And then my mouth surged into his, and I wasn’t holding back at all.


I went at him frantically, planting my hands on both sides of his face. Sitting on the bar I kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Like the entire world was coming to a fiery, tumultuous ending, and the only thing that somehow mattered was to keep my soul as close as humanly possible to his.

I wanted my dress off. I wanted his boxers down around his ankles. Most of all I wanted the substantial knot of Devyn’s growing manhood buried completely inside of me, as my hands wrapped around him to claw his perfect ass forward and into me.

Instead of all that, Devyn stepped back. His eyes found mine again, his expression strangely calm considering the gravity of our impending union.

“Listen,” he said softly. “I want you to know we don’t have to do this. Not if you don’t want to.”

I was emotionally and physically stunned.Don’t want to?!Was he kidding me?

“You want my baby?” he repeated. “I’ll give it you. I made all the arrangements already.”

My head was still spinning. Numbly I managed: “Arrangements?”

Devyn nodded. “I contacted the clinic, and they’ve re-activated my profile. Tomorrow morning I’m going down to provide a new sample. You can use it to conceive.”

I hadn’t even been thinking about that. I’d been too preoccupied with other, more exciting ways to get his sperm.

“That’s sweet of you,” I said finally. “Devyn, thank you.”

His hand grazed my face again. This time it moved so gingerly, so lovingly, it melted my heart.

“If anyone should have my child it’s you,” he smiled. “You’re so driven, Juliana. So strong and intelligent and—”

I kissed him hard, obliterating the rest of his argument. My mouth was hungry. My body too.

“I want your child,” I told him firmly. “I can’t wait to feel it growing inside me.”

My hand wandered lower. It settled over the warm, firm package straining hard against his boxer-briefs.

“But that doesn’t preclude me wantingthis.”