I shrugged. “Sure, why not? It’s an honest profession.”

“It is,” she agreed. “But it’s not what I want. It’s not my end game, obviously.”

“Then what is?”

In all the conversations we’d had, pillow-talk and otherwise, it was the one subject she’d willfully avoided. Brynne had spoken of damn near everything, from her upbringing to her family life to her brother’s bitter struggle with addiction. But she never, ever talked about what she wanted to do with her life.

And that’s because — according to her — she wasn’t willing to even consider a future without Evan in it.

“Well, before my brother showed up and threw a wrench into the works, I was working on being self-employed. In fact, I just about was.”

“Doing what?”

She paused again, and this time I wondered why. She’d already gone past the point of no return. She might as well keep going.

“I was an event planner,” she finally said. “And a pretty kickass one at that. I did some freebies, got myself some glowing recommendations, and had some paid gigs after that. Well-paying ones, actually.”

“Event planning…” I repeated the words, mulling them over in my mind.

“I had some excellent word-of-mouth stuff going,” Brynne went on. All of a sudden she looked animated now. Borderline happy. “I was getting a website designed, and putting together a marketing package when Evan showed up on my doorstep, high as a kite.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah,” she conceded. “In taking care of him I botched my last two jobs, and unfortunately had to bail on a third one. I picked up extra shifts at the diner. Eventually I had to take the bus, because he sold my car.”

“Sold yourcar?”


My brow furrowed. “What do you mean he sold your car?”

“He dug up the title, forged my name, and sold it to someone — cash.” She shrugged bitterly. “What was I gonna do? Call the police on him?”

“Put your fist through his face, for starters.”

“You ever try reasoning with a junkie high on methamphetamines?” Brynne asked. “Or anyone hooked on drugs for that matter?”

When I didn’t answer she shifted uncomfortably. I noticed her eyes avoided mine, as well.

“An event planner,” I said again, this time more playfully. “Wow. They way you’re organized I never would’ve guessed.”

“Yeah, well it’s hard to be organized when your life’s in shambles.”

“Oh, you manage alright,” I smiled at her. “And hey, if I’m being honest?” I took her by the shoulders and squeezed. “I think the whole thing’s pretty cool.”

She studied me for a few seconds, then blushed at my sincerity. Eventually her mouth cracked into what couldpossiblybe considered a smile.

“Go on,” I jerked my head past her. “Get showered so we can get the hell out of here. Poor Jonas has been sticking around out of courtesy. He really wants to go home.”

Brynne considered something for a moment, then stood on her toes and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss. A thank you kiss.

Then she bounced off, and I enjoyed the sight of watching her go.



The hand that shook me awake was gentle, but insistent. It was also accompanied by a voice, deep and sure.