“You sure about that?”

Now she whirled and totally locked eyes with me. Her gaze was dark and dangerous.

“Why ban me when you can just take me in the back and lock me up?” she challenged. “Maybe you could chain me to a shower head? Keep me ‘safe’ until this whole thing is over.”


“I don’t want to hear it, Silas. I’m not some fragile, breakable little thing. There’s no fucking way I’m hanging back while the three of you—”

“You’re not,” I cut in. “You’re coming.”

It took a few seconds for my words to register. When they did, her expression was still skeptical.


“Yes, really,” I told her. “We talked it out, the three of us. Not only do we want you there with us, we need you too. It only makes sense.”

She continued staring, although her scowl was a lot softer now. Pulling her weightlifting gloves off one by one, she headed in the direction of the women’s locker room.

“If we sound like overly-protective brothers—”

“You are NOT my brothers,” she whirled again. “Far from it.”

“Obviously,” I conceded. “I’m just saying if it seems that way, that’s just us looking out for you.”

“I never asked you to.”

“Ah but you did ask us for help,” I pointed out. “And in doing that you have to consider all the other help we’ve given people too, through countless missions.”

She looked down for a moment, then back at me. There was conflict in her eyes now. Enough that I just wanted to sweep her into my arms and hold her.

“Weprotectpeople, Brynne,” I told her. “It’s what we do. Sometimes that involves striking first and striking hard, true. But it always involves getting the innocent out of the way first, before the real shitstorm begins.”

“I’m not looking for a shitstorm,” she murmured softly. “And I’m far from innocent.”

I smirked inwardly. “That much we agree upon.”

“And I’d do anything to get Evan back,” she continued. “You know that, right?”

“We know.”

“He’s my life, my whole family. My only reason—”

She stopped, her eyes locked on me. For a moment we stared, neither of us willing to move.

“Only reason for what?”

She paused and bit her lip, which only made her sexier. Already she was breathtakingly beautiful, especially in her sweat-soaked tank top. The slitted black workout pants she kept here clung to her supple thighs, accenting every delicious curve. Even her sweat smelled sexy.

“So I’m coming?” she asked, not-so-subtly changing the subject. “No more pushback? You’ll tell me the plan?”

“We’ll tell you the plan,” I agreed. “Even if, so far, it isn’t much of one.”

I sighed, and she knew the sigh had nothing to do with her. We weren’t fully ready for what was coming, which meant we had to improvise. And wehatedto improvise.

“What happens when we get Evan back?” I asked abruptly. “You go back to your old life of…”
