“We’re also low on favors,” added Santiago, “when it comes to our fellow mercs. DawnStar is tapped out right now, and can’t offer anything. Adamant’s members are mostly overseas. Two of the other companies aren’t even taking my calls. It’s grim.”

“Remind me again why we even need them?” I ventured. “I thought this was a simple meeting. Nothing dangerous.”

“We’re talking about the Ancellas here,” Santiago replied. “Everything’sdangerous. And nothing’s ever simple.”

Cody shifted where he stood. His beautiful blue eyes looked thoughtful.

“At least the Lozanos have been quiet.”

I felt a pang of urgency, somewhere in my gut. It twisted around in there for a while, until I finally came clean.

“No they haven’t,” I admitted. “I was just approached by Javi.”

All three men jumped to a full, upright position. It was like their commanding officer had entered the room.

“He cornered me in the store,” I explained, “two blocks from here.”

I heard the heavy click of a very large pistol being cocked. Silas’s face was grim.


“He’s gone now,” I explained quickly. “And everything’s alright. He didn’t threaten me, or do anything bad. In fact, we sat down and had coffee.”

Santiago’s hand shot out and gripped my arm so firmly it actually hurt. I shrank back from him.

“You hadcoffeewith him?”

“Yes. I mean, no. We didn’t drink any. We barely even sat down. It’s just—”

“Why would you ever sit down with him?” Silas demanded. He looked cataclysmically disappointed in me. “After all you’ve been through! After all we’ve—”

“Look, he said he had information on my brother, alright?” I said defensively. “I thought I could play him. Maybe get some info we didn’t have yet. Isn’t that what you guys do?”

“Yes, but—”

“Ah but you’re big strong men, so that’s okay!” I blurted. “Is that it?”

There was a beat of silence. Uncomfortable silence.

“We’re not just men we’re soldiers,” said Cody. “We’re trained. We’re armed. We’re—”

“Busy doing other things,” I jumped in, finishing the sentence my own way. “Look, it’s not like I planned this. It just sort of happened. As soon as I realized it wasn’t dangerous I figured I’d—”

“Notdangerous?” Silas gasped incredulously. “Are you out of your mind?”

I was defensive at first, then annoyed. But now I was getting angry.

“Believe it or not I can take care of myself,” I snapped. “I’m far from helpless.”


“And we can use all the help we can get,” I added. “You said it yourselves. That’s why you’re out calling in contacts and shopping for favors. You’re trying to buy any edge we can, and so am I.”

I finished the water, crushed the plastic bottle dramatically, and dropped it into the garbage. It probably looked stupid but I didn’t care.

“We don’t want you getting hurt,” Santiago said eventually. “We care too much about you, Brynne. You mean the world to us.”

I felt a flutter in my heart, probably at that last part. But I was still angry. Still pissed.