And then they kept going…. not stopping for the rest of the night.

The result was beyond incredible. I had three hot loads in me at first. Then six. Then nine. After that I figured they were spent and finished, but in less than an hour I was rolled over again, this time onto my stomach, accepting them deep inside me from behind.

There were nights I was fucked until my mind went blank, or until I physically passed out from the pleasure. And there were nights I fuckedthemtoo, seeking them out in their beds. Slipping beneath their covers and stroking them hard, until I could climb on and ride them — sleepily and beautifully — to my little heart’s content.

My favorite night though came when they blindfolded me, then tied me to Cody’s corner bedpost and took turns filling me doggie-style. I took them silently one by one, not knowing who was who. Never really knowing which of them was shooting inside me, but trying to figure it out through the intensity of their pulses, the distinct sound of their groans and grunts. Or even better, the manner in which each pair of hands gripped my hips as they fucked me, again and again, so ruthlessly from behind.

Yet as amazing as a sexual roller coaster I was on, the week also passed with other things too. There was camaraderie and laughter. Conversation and stories told over shared meals and bottles of wine, or while lounging around and cooking for each other. I got to learn the distinct personalities behind these three men who’d done so much for me, and what made each of them tick. And the more I learned, the more important they became to me. In more ways than I could begin to count.

I found myself thinking about them constantly, especially in the quiet moments when I was alone with my thoughts. These men were the same in many ways, perhaps because they’d grown so close to one another over the course of years. But they also had such great dichotomy, too. They were so strong and powerful, yet soft and sweet. Tough as steel on the hard, physical exterior, but caring and affectionate in ways that no one who gave them a passing glance could possibly imagine.

In time I began getting nervous. Not because of them — around these men I’d never felt more comfortable! No, I was nervous because we were approaching the end. I was nervous because our arrangement was coming to a finite conclusion, one way or the other. Evan or no Evan, I wouldn’t need their help very much longer.

I was at the corner store when my thoughts once again distracted me from the current mission at hand. I was picking up vegetables, trying to decide on a stir-fry. On a good day I would’ve identified the man standing beside me at the display of orange and red peppers. I would’ve noticed that naturally menacing expression, or the piercing nature of those dark, soulless eyes.

At the very least I would’ve recognized the deep purple bruising around his neck, which was only now beginning to fade. He touched it self-consciously as I stared at it, flashing the familiar gold watch on his left wrist.

“Hello again, Ms. Fletcher.”



I felt a cold fear grip me, but only for a moment. It was chased away by a fierce, deep-seeded anger, as I bravely met those black, shark-like eyes.


He nodded, confirming what I already knew. Using my peripheral vision, I tried scanning the rest of the market without making it overly obvious.

“Don’t bother,” Javi Lozano said coolly, “my brother’s not here. Nor is anyone else, really. I came to see you alone.”

“I don’t believe you,” I told him.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. We’re going to talk anyway.”

The place wasn’t crowded, but it was far from empty. Already I saw two avenues of escape. I could scream also, if I really needed to. The doors to the sidewalk were wide open, and the streets were busy.

“What the hell do you want?” I found myself asking.

Javi glanced strategically around. His eyes moved from patron to patron, then to the shop’s owner, then out into the street.

“Not here,” he said, his voice going lower. “Somewhere else.”

I laughed loudly, then went back to picking out peppers. “If you think I’m going anywhere with you, you’re out of your fucking--”

“It’s about your brother.”

My mouth curled into an instant frown. As I dropped the plastic grocery bag, I found the anger inside me rising.

“Grant me five minutes, Ms. Fletcher. That’s all. We can go to a place of your choosing, or we can even stand outside. As long as we—”

“There,” I pointed. “The coffee shop. Other side of the street.”

Good or bad, it was a fast idea. A quick way of getting him in an even more public place.

Javi looked, turned back to me, and finally nodded. “Fine. I could use one anyway.”

The asshole made some sort of a ‘ladies first’ gesture that was supposed to be chivalrous. Instead I shook my head and ordered him forward, treading three steps behind so I could keep both my eyes on him.