“When it comes to blood, Mathias could probably use a pint or two,” said Cody. “If he were to go to the hospital, that is.”

“The asshole would never go to the hospital,” Silas pointed out. “Too much pride.”

“Yeah, well pride almost had him eating his next month’s meals through a straw. He camethisclose.”

“A straw?” I gasped.

Silas nodded. “He should be fine, though. All healed up in a day or three.” His face scrunched up in a wince. “Well, maybe not his nose. That’s gonna take a lot longer.”

“Hey,” Cody pointed out. “That washisfault. Not ours.”


“What about Evan?” I finally choked. “Did you learn anything about my brother?”

“Tons,” Cody answered immediately. “In fact, we know where he is.”

“Or at least where he’sgoingto be,” Silas jumped in.

“That part’s complicated,” said Cody. “But we’ll get to him, Brynne. That much we can promise you.”

I was so happy I was nearly delirious. In hugging them both however, my eyes started to water.

“Ughhh, God!” I choked involuntarily. “What’s that smell?”

“Shrimp in garlic sauce?” Silas guessed, sniffing himself.

“Lobster Cantonese, I think,” countered Cody. “We had to drag him into the kitchen, down through the service elevator. It was the only way to interrogate him away from the crowds.”

“The dumpster in that alley was rancid,” Silas coughed. “Sorry.”

I tried ignoring the smell. It wasn’t easy.

“It’s okay,” I said quickly. “It’s just—”


I laughed happily. “Yes.”

They peeled their jackets off, then removed their shirts by ripping them straight down the buttons. It wasn’t like they could launder them. Even without the blood splatter, they were stained all over the place.

The end result however, was that both men stood there with their shirts off, their chests still heaving with the adrenaline of their actions. I could see their muscles swollen with physical exertion. All sweaty. Totally pumped.


I was torn between throwing myself at them and holding my nose.

“Let me get the shower going,” I finally offered. “And maybe we should leave these clothes in the hall.”

“Roger that,” Silas nodded.

“And also—”

“Wait,” Cody said suddenly. “What happened to the red dress?”

I was standing there in sleep shorts and a T-shirt. My comfy clothes.

“I uh, took it off.”