I grinned in silence, tempted to tell her exactly how close ‘the two of you’ was to the truth. Then again, maybe she knew. Veronique had an uncanny way of knowing shit like that. It was part of her gift.

“Don’t go getting yourselves killed or chopped into tiny pieces of anything nasty like that,” she told us, as she dug in again. “You boys are growing on me. Sorta.”

As I got up to pay the check I bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. So hard that her glasses actually went askew.

“You’re a national treasure, Veronique,” I told her. “You know that, right?”

“Yeah yeah,” she said, shaking her head. “Just be sure to tell Smiley he owes me dessert the next time you’re out here.”



The city shimmered and glimmered beneath us, like a thousand spectacular jewels flung across a deep black carpet. They shimmered in every color of the rainbow, all the way to the distant horizon. It should’ve been breathtaking. Awe-inspiring…

“I really don’t like this.”

I frowned as I turned from the balcony’s railing. Silas was there, reaching out for me. His two big arms slid past my waist, pulling me against him.

“It’s going to be fine, really,” he promised me. “Better than fine.”

His touch should’ve been comforting, his words reassuring. Under normal circumstances I would’ve believed him. I would’ve melted straight in his warm embrace.

“You told me differently,” I said. “You told me Mathias was ex-military police. A ‘total badass’, I think you put it.”

“He is.”

“So why would you—”

“Because we’re even more badass,” Silas assured me. “A lot more.”

“I know, but…”

“Not to mention there are two of us, but only one of him.”

I turned at the sound of Cody’s deep, resonant voice. He emerged from the room, stepping out into the cool desert air of the hotel balcony. Nonchalantly, he was buttoning the cuff of his thick right wrist.

“How do we look?”

I had to admit, the boys were dressed to the nines. Their button-down shirts were handsome enough, but in their perfect slacks and matching suit jackets they looked like the epitome of every Vegas high-roller in the world. They even wore silk ties. Diamond-studded cufflinks. Italian-made leather shoes.

“You look good enough to eat,” I said miserably.

Cody laughed at the use of his own line against him.

“We’re gonna remember you said that.”

I was still in my dress. Together, the three of us looked like a million dollars.

“We can skip this, you know,” I suggested. “Walk the strip, take in the sights. Stay out ‘till sunrise.”

“Pull the curtains tight and order room service for breakfast?” Silas suggested.

“Yes,” I said hopefully.

“We can do all that when we get back,” he answered. “Provided there’s time.”

It was already well past midnight. I knew what they wanted, where they were going. What they had to do.