Silas took my shoulders and held them firmly. His expression was kind, but stern.

“There are things you don’t know,” he said gently. “Things that have nothing to do with you, of course. But things that have everything to do with us.”

Us.By that he meant the three of them.

“Wearea family,” Silas said softly. “Santiago, Cody, and myself. We’ve been through things that can’t ever be replicated. We’ve been bonded by experiences that no other person on this planet could ever share.”

I felt colder, all of a sudden. Maybe even a little left out. The feeling passed quickly however, because I knew what he was saying was true. These men had become brothers through combat. Baptism by fire. I’d heard bits and pieces of things from each of them, funny anecdotes from missions and tasks they’d been assigned together. But they’d never told me the bad things. They never pulled back the curtain on the terrible parts of the job that only a soldier in the field would know.

“I’m sorry if it all sounds—”

“Don’t apologize,” I cut him off quickly. “I understand.”

He looked genuinely surprised. It made him even more handsome. “You do?”

“Maybe not completely,” I admitted. “But I understand enough to realize I could never fully understand.” I slid into the warmth of Silas’s hard body, wrapping my arms around him to pull him close. “And that’s all I really need to know.”

I kissed his chest, lightly, the way he’d kissed my neck. Then I looked up at him with tired, loving eyes.

“You boys can be brothers all you want,” I told him. “Do your brotherly things. You can share everything together, including me.”

My stomach rolled sexily with the mention of being shared. As it always did, whenever I thought about it.

“Now take me to bed with you,” I murmured, nuzzling into him with the side of my face. “Deep under the covers where it’s warm and safe.”



I’d been to Vegas before, but always with a couple of girlfriends. I’d never gone to the City of Sin with a plan, or money, or any real purpose. I’d certainly never walked into a casino flanked by two incredibly hot, muscle-bound men… both of whom just happened to be my lovers.

But hey, a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.

Easy, Brynne. Focus on business.

I promised myself that I’d do my level best, even as I modeled my sizzling new outfit in the hotel suite’s mirror. The sequined red dress pushed my breasts high, hugging my hips while flaring tightly over my ass in a perfect half-circle. Ironically enough I’d picked it up to ‘blend in’ while on the casino floor. I was supposed to be on vacation. Supposed to be a tourist.

“You look like a celebrity,” Silas told me, as he zipped me up.

“Is that good?”

“It’s definitely not bad,” he chuckled, as I teased my hair out. “But it’s going to be… distracting.”

Cody wholeheartedly agreed, unable to look away. His staring caused him to miss a button on his shirt, forcing him to re-do the whole thing top to bottom.

“You look good enough to eat,” he declared finally.

My belly fluttered warmly at the compliment. Deep down, I knew I was going to hold him to that.

“You’re still not getting out of room service later,” I told him. “Whatever time we get back, you promised.”

My blond lover sidled up behind me, slipping a thick arm around my sequined waist. Bending a little, he squeezed my ass promisingly against his crotch.

“You’ll get your room service,” he murmured into my ear. Then, growling throatily: “You’ll get allkindsof service when we get back…”

My pulse quickened as his fingers spread tightly across my stomach. A lump was forming in my throat.

“She’ll get all thatafterwe do what we came here for,” Silas added, breaking up our fun. “And not before.”