“Why not tomorrow?”

“Because we have other things to do tomorrow. Preparation things.”

A week ago I would’ve tensed up. Offered resistance. Even demanded to know what things he was talking about. By now though, I was at least trying to learn a little patience.

“You heard what Murphy said,” I reasoned carefully. “Mathias might not even be where he last saw him. He said he might already have moved.”


“So each day that goes by—”

“Is another day we risk not finding Evan,” he finished for me. “I know.”

“So how could you—”

“Because we have people in Vegas,” Silas assured me, “and we have eyes on Mathias already. He’s not going anywhere. And the extra day is important.”

I looked up into the mirror and found our reflection staring back at us. Silas’s gorgeous face lay over my shoulder, his cheek pressed against mine. We had the same thick dark hair, and dark eyebrows. The sameexactcolor eyes. Hell, we looked like brother and sister, almost. Fraternal twins.

“You know if we ever had kids, it would be impossible to tell who they looked like more.”

The statement just sort of rolled off my tongue. I did that sometimes. My mouth moved before my brain could stop it.

“Why, were you looking to have kids with me?” Silas murmured playfully. He tightened his hands against my belly. “Because I could arrange it.”

“My birth control prescription might have something to say about that,” I teased back.

He gave up an unconcerned shrug. “I’ve always wanted children. So has Cody. More and more, we’ve talked about what it would be—”

“What about Santiago?”

Again, my mouth was running ten yards ahead of my thought processes. It was something that historically got me in trouble.

“Santiago…” Silas murmured. His pleasant smile faded at the corners. “Well, he’s a little different.”

I turned to face him. His model-like good looks were actually intimidating. “And how’s that?”

The mercenary’s handsome face went even darker now. I’d obviously hit a nerve of some kind. But nothisnerve.

“Look, I already got something of a weird response from him,” I explained. “We were in the car together, following Crisco. I was trying to convince him to help find Evan, and I said something about recognizing the importance of family.”

Silas stiffened a little. I felt it instantly.


“And I told him he must not have a family then,” I finished. “Because if he did, he’d know that when it comes to family you’d do anything to help them.”

Silas’s entire demeanor changed. He winced, as color actually drained from his face.


I asked the question haltingly. Something was very, very wrong.

“Does he not have a family?” I pressed. “Is there something about Santiago I don’t—”

“Brynne, don’t.”
