Brynne shot up and flung both arms around me again. From her tiptoes she showered my face with kisses, then planted a big, wet kiss on my lips that reminded me starkly of just how incredible last night had been.

Holy shit.

Last night…

We couldn’t get enough of her, Santiago and I. Again and again we’d taken her, even after passing out and waking up to find her hot, wet and willing again. Her body felt amazing in our hands; soft, feminine and responsive. And we’d molded that body in all different ways, to serve our every whim.

She’d gotten stuck in my head, too. Her pretty face, that magnificent ass — her whole attitude, really. Inside and out she was the total package, from those sultry, all-knowing eyes right down to her warm, sensuous smile. As strange as it seemed, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her.

On top of all that this woman was incredibly strong, and much more so than I’d originally realized. Brynne was no damsel in distress by any means. When it came to getting what she wanted she was an unstoppable force, and one to be reckoned with. A little headstrong and sometimes reckless, for sure. But determined and driven just the same.

The kiss broke and she was staring up at me hopefully, wondering where we’d go next. I had a few ideas for sure. Some of them even involved keeping our clothes on.

Right now though, I knewexactlywho I needed to talk to.



“So who’s Bryan Murphy?”

I yawned the question from the back seat, where I leaned comfortingly against Santiago. We were crossing the Bay Bridge. The lights of San Francisco twinkled beautifully in the clear night sky.

“Murph’s another Merc, like us,” replied Silas. “Only not like us, because he operates alone.”

He drove with a relaxed arm, guiding us forward. It was late; just past midnight in fact. But apparently, when it came to Murphy, that’s the way it had to be.

“He also does… well…”

His words trailed off into silence.


Silas didn’t answer. Instead, Cody looked back at me from the passenger seat and cleared his throat.

“Sometimes,” said Cody, “he takes on questionable things.”

His voice was low enough that I knew not to press further. And I didn’t.

“So he’ll help us?”

“For a price,” Cody frowned. “But yeah. Probably.”

I let out an acrid laugh. “He’s in it for the money, huh?”

“We of course he is,” said Santiago. “We all are.”

He was laying sideways, with his two big arms wrapped around me. Cinched loosely at my waist, his hands rested casually on my lower belly. His interlaced fingers gave me butterflies every time we hit a bump.

“That’s how we make our living,” Santiago went on needlessly. “But this guy is especially big on it. Murph’s got a strict timetable in mind. An exit strategy.”

“Exit strategy?”

“An amount that’ll get him out for good,” said Silas. “If he pulls enough jobs to reach that goal, he’s gone.”

“Yeah, if he doesn’t get dead first,” Cody smirked. “In Murph’s case, I give those odds fifty-fifty.”

“Same,” agreed Silas.