It was half question, half statement. There was no admonishment, though. Not this time.

“You bet your sweet ass I did.”

Santiago, who’d eaten in silence until now, raised a concerned eyebrow. “No problems?”

I shrugged. “Only with finding the truffle oil.”

My little solo-jaunt had been fun and liberating, not to mention educational regarding the neighborhood. The morning turned out to be exceptionally calm and beautiful. The ocean air, fresher than ever before.

Of course, that could also be for other reasons…

Before my brain could slip off to enjoy a few fond memories of last night, the loud clatter of a fork interrupted my daydream.

“How’d you get them so damned fluffy?” Cody demanded.

“Sparkling water,” I replied. “Instead of cold water.”

My blue-eyed lover shook his blonde mane. “Sparkling water…” he repeated incredulously.

“You know,” I laughed, “I really shouldn’t be telling you all my secrets.”

Not only had they slept late, but I’d returned to find each of them still locked in their bedrooms, slumbering away. For ex-special forces — as well as mercenaries — they were certainly heavy sleepers. Then again, we’d kept each other up for a gloriously long time.

“Well we’re grateful,” Silas nodded appreciatively, toasting me with his fork. “You really went all out.”

I’d slipped from Santiago’s bedroom just before dawn. I could’ve spent the night in any of their beds really, but as far as safety and comfort he’d been a fantastic choice. Besides, it felt like I sort of owed him a sleepover.

“Yeah, well you boys were the ones going all out last night,” I shot back. “And I’m appreciative of that,” I winked, “if not a little bit sore.”

Up until now breakfast had been filled with bacon, eggs, pancakes and nothing but small talk. In fact, the guys had gone out of their way to avoid talking about anything to do with last night. Amusingly, I was wondering how long they could pretend it didn’t happen.

“Oh don’t be so shy about it,” I smiled, reaching out to push the rest of the eggs onto their plates. “I wanted it as much as you did. And I meant what I said, too. I’m totally and unequivocally yours…”

I rose from my seat and turned, letting the last words linger as their eyes followed my body. I was wearing a T-shirt and an old pair of cut-off shorts that barely covered the bottom curve of my ass. By the time I’d reached the sink all three were staring.

“For at least as long as you’re helping me find Evan,” I teasingly concluded.

The clothing I’d managed to salvage from my ransacked apartment wasn’t much, but it was a new beginning. And I needed as many new beginnings as possible.

“So consider yourself hired,” I finished with a chuckle. “Last night was only a down payment. But every bit as I belong to the three of you?” I licked a dab of syrup off the tip of my finger. “You all belong to me, as well.”

The men staring back at me could’ve been wolves the way they were eying me up. But I liked it that way. No, I actually loved it.

“Now I’m going to do the dishes…” I said coyly. “And you boys are going to talk about where we need to start.”

I spun the hot water spigot, drowning their ensuing conversation beneath a hiss of flowing water. I washed the bowls and utensils first, then scrubbed out the pots and pans. By the time I turned back to retrieve their dishes, they were already bringing them over.

My God… just look at them.

It was one thing to coyly stare your new lover in the eye the morning after your first hookup. But when you just got ravaged bythreeof them, and the sex lasted all night? Well, there just wasn’t enough room in my stomach for that many butterflies.

Even so, it didn’t stop me from gawking at their chiseled bodies. It didn’t detract from Cody’s rippled stomach as it peeked out from beneath the hem of his too-small T-shirt. It didn’t stop me from noticing the place on Silas’s sexy shoulders where my ankles rested so perfectly as he drove into me last night.

I couldn’t count the number of times I’d tried deciphering the tattoos on Santiago’s amazing arms. Or how powerful those arms felt pinning my wrists to the bed, as he dragged his stubbled cheeks along the insides of my tender, quivering thighs.


The sound of the door distracted all of us, snapping us back from wherever we were. Even Sebastian — contently curled up on the couch — whipped his canine head around.