“Weare´going to help you,” said Cody, sliding an arm around me. It felt big. Powerful. Reassuring.

“We always were,” added Silas, shuffling up on the other side of me. “We’re all in this together, whether we like it or not. But right now, getting Evan back is priority number one.”

They were the words I’d waited so very long to hear. They made me giddy with happiness, overcome with relief. Especially after all this time of doing things on my own.

“I know you have your reservations about this,” I said, turning to Santiago. “But—”

The sizzling Venezuelan cut me off by deftly pushing a beer into my hand. He motioned silently, indicating I should drink, which is exactly what I did.

Fuck. Just look at him.

Without turning away I drank half the bottle. The liquid was cool, gratifying, even relaxing as it slid down my throat. Ten seconds later, I wiped my tearing eyes with a grateful sigh.

“Now, are you sure you want to stay here?” Santiago asked.

Still maintaining eye contact, I nodded slowly.

“Because if you wanted to, we could set you up in—”

I kissed him. It happened all at once and very quickly, with me setting the bottle down and cupping his handsome face in both my palms. The kiss was slow, hot, and immediately reciprocated. His hands went to my body, closing around my waist. His fingertips dragged promisingly over the top of my ass.

Ohhh my God.

After a few seconds he pulled me in aggressively and unapologetically, molding his body against mine. I’d been the initiator, but the way he was taking charge really turned me on.


The kiss intensified between us. Our mouths churned, hungrily devouring each other. Igniting my whole body with a searing inner heat…

A flash of alarm reminded me the others were standing there also. But that was okay. Somehow, though I didn’t fully realize until now, it was exactly what I wanted.

“Alright,” I murmured, breaking abruptly away. “Listen…”

Santiago looked somewhat heartbroken that I’d pulled back from him. His expression was adorably amusing. Like he’d just lost his favorite new toy.

“I have no money to hire you,” I said, swallowing hard. “You’re paid mercenaries. I get that. But you should know, I have nothing left to my name.”

“Brynne,” Santiago began. “That doesn’t—”

“But maybe,” I cut him off. “Just maybe instead of money…”

I reached for the others to draw them closer. They came hesitantly at first, but then more willingly as they saw the fire in my eyes. I closed one hand over the bulge I knew full well lay between Silas’s legs. The other I dragged tantalizingly across Cody’s amazing chest.

“Maybe I can offer…otherforms of payment.”

Standing on my toes I kissed Santiago again. This time I did it just inches away from his friends. I made out with him in full view of Silas and Cody, who I could feel drawing closer with every passing second.

And then suddenly I was kissing them as well.

They took over in time, each man pulling me into a different pair of impossibly strong arms. They kissed me deeply, passionately, running their hands over my body, or their fingers through my hair. Even better, I couldn’t stop kissing them back. I was caught up in the moment, my head swimming with lust. Spinning and kissing and enjoying the dizzy, delirious rapture of being passed around their hot little circle, as their six roaming hands grew ever bolder and more insistent.

It was Santiago who finally broke the spell. He pulled me gently aside, still half lost in a trance of euphoria.

“You seriously want to do this?” he asked.

I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Shouldn’t that be obvious?”

“It is,” he conceded, “but before we go on you need to understand that the three of us share everything. Always have, always will.” His eyes shifted to his friends for a moment before returning to me. “And I mean absolutelyeverything.”